8 Things About Us

Author: Donna  //  Category: Family  //  Comments (7)  //  Add Comment

Ruth at http://imagineannalynn.blogspot.com/ had this “tag” on her site, and it looked like fun. So, Randy and I split it up, and each did 4.

Donna –

1. I decided when I was 9 that I wanted to work with hearing impaired children. I ended up being a Speech Pathologist and several of my patients were indeed, hearing impaired. I learned basic sign language and cued speech…and still remember a little of both :)

2. I was a little league baseball queen at age 9 (it was a good year).

3. I hate coffee. Smells great, but tastes awful. I’m a hot tea drinker!

4. I went to college at UNC at Chapel Hill. During my last year, I decided on a whim to try out for the dance team. I ended up making the High Kicking Heels team, and it absolutely made my Senior year.

Randy –

1. I love to play basketball and once had to guard a guy that was 7’6″. I was not effective.

2. A favorite childhood past time with my brother was shooting bottle rockets at each other, using trashcan lids as shields. Remember, the lids back then were metal!

3. I got pulled by the police for driving to school with my friend on the roof of my car…and the cop was mad at me!

4. I love taking nature pictures, especially pictures of palm trees. Being in Florida, I’ve got plenty of subjects.

Feel free to call yourself “tagged!” and let me know if you add this to our blog or website!

Everyone here loves your gifts…

Author: Donna  //  Category: Adoption  //  Comments (6)  //  Add Comment

Jack insisted that he try on Lainey’s new bunny hooded towel. Doesn’t he look happy?!

The rest of us here were also thrilled with your box of goodies, Secret Pal! Chocolates, Jelly Bellies, Pistachios, HUGE jaw breakers for the kids, shampoo rinsing cup (so neat!), 3-piece jammies, and of course Jack’s…uh…Lainey’s new towel! THANK YOU!! You truly spoil us!!

One Year

Author: Donna  //  Category: Adoption  //  Comments (8)  //  Add Comment

If you’ll look at the timeline above this post, you’ll notice that today marks ONE YEAR waiting for Lainey. To be more exact, our adoption paperwork was logged into China’s adoption system on 8/1/06. So, today is our LID anniversary. Since we began this process in March ’06, we’ve been waiting for about 16 months. Not that I’m counting.

Oh, are you wondering what that picture is? Since we were LID, we began a paperchain to mark out wait. We add a link at the completion of each week. I added the purple link to signify our 1 year milestone! Here’s a picture of the whole chain, as it drapes our kitchen window.

I’ll add a link on the date we receive our referral, too. The kids loved seeing what 52 weeks / one year looks like. Happy LID anniversary to us!