Tweetsie, it is!

Author: Donna  //  Category: Trips / Vacations  //  Comments (3)  //  Add Comment

We’re home now, and missing the mountains already.  The weather here at home is in the 90’s with thick humidity…boy, were we spoiled last week.  We never had the A/C on at the cabin and were actually chilly at night.  I have more mountain pics to share, but wanted to post about our last day now.  Oh, and today is our Lainey’s 3rd birthday!  I’ll be posting pics of that soon, too. 

We went back and forth about what to do our last day of vacation.  We originally decided we’d go to Tweetsie Railroad, something we thought would be mainly for Lainey since everything else was more geared toward the big kids.  Then, we woke up later than we wanted to and started thinking we wouldn’t have enough time to get our $$’s worth.  We polled the kids, talked about our options, sent them away to discuss it…you would have thought we were making a life changing decision here.  In the end, it was Tweetsie. 

After riding the train (where Lainey was scared to bits of the cowboys and indians fighting and proceeded to bury herself about 3 feet into my neck until it was over…), the kids threatened to throw us in jail if they didn’t get funnel cake.  (they let us out after we promised we’d visit the funnel factory at some point during the day)

Chair lift rides were cool…the boys are just ahead of the girls. 

First time having her face painted.  A kitty cat.  Blue… of course.  In Lainey’s world, everything should be blue!

After she enjoyed riding in a blue car and a blue boat, we thought we’d see how she did on a faster ride. 

Like the scrambler.  She smiled and laughed through the whole thing!  We also rode the Tilt-O-Whirl – another big hit with Lainey Q. 

There was a nature area with deer, goats, donkeys, etc. to feed.  They sold little ice cream cones with food in them. 

Lainey couldn’t get enough, she squealed when they ate from her hand (first time she’s allowed this at a petting zoo, she used to get close and then chuck the food at them!)

This donkey was too hungry to worrry about how hillarious he looked trying to scrape the food off the fence with his teeth and lips. 

Having fun, Abbey?

that would be a yes!  The big kids ended up loving Tweetsie – it’s very much like a state fair only cleaner and the people aren’t quite as interesting to watch. 

After more big kid rides,

a quick lap around in a snazzy BLUE race car,

and a roaring good time on the carousel…

Lainey was wound up and as hyper as could be. 

We thought this might be a good time to head out. 

We had a fantastic time and were very glad we came.  Bye, Tweetsie!

A little out of order…

Author: Donna  //  Category: Trips / Vacations, Uncategorized  //  Comments (4)  //  Add Comment

On Tuesday, Randy and the big kids went white water rafting.  Since Lainey wasn’t old enough, I stayed back with her.  My friend Patricia lives in Banner Elk, so it gave us a wonderful opportunity to see her and her family.  She has 3 almost grown sons and 3 beautiful daughters from China.  You’ll have to wait on the pictures from this day :) 

Wednesday was our busy, busy day!  We got a slow start, but managed to do everything we had planned.  I’m counting on at least a few days of exhaustion when we get home from this vacation…there is always the recovery period! 

First stop, Mast General Store in Valle Crucis.  We went to two, the main store and then the annex Candy Barrel.  I could have spent the whole day here.  So much history, so much to look at and buy…lol.  We came away with a few things at the main store, and then headed for the candy.  If you’ve never been here, picture what a candy store must have looked like back in time.  Barrels and barrels and…of candy.  There are baskets at the door and you fill them to your hearts (or wallets) content.  You could go nuts in here if you have a sweet tooth (or a whole mouth full, like me).  The fun is seeing all the brands you remember as a kid…BB Bats, Mary Janes, Whistle pops, those little wax bottles with the sweet liquid inside, candy cigarettes (the kids were a little dumbfounded on that last one).  It sure brought back memories of when my dad would give me $1 to walk up to the corner store for candy.  I guess I can blame him for my love of sweets. 

Linville Caverns came next.  We weren’t sure what to expect, but we all ended up loving it.  Well, except Randy when he realized they were taking us down this extremely narrow passage that had only one way out.  He bowed out of that part.  Close spaces wig him out.  The highlight for the kids was “total darkness”, when they turned out all light sources so we could see how dark it is.  Completely dark.  Nothing, not even a hint of light.  Freaky! 

I carried Lainey in the Ergo since it would have been hard for her to walk and back carriers weren’t allowed.  She LOVES the Ergo and gets giddy with excitement when she sees it. 

Abbey saw a store with this sign, so we had to get Randy’s picture under it.  He loves to talk to the kids in a Scottish accent.  Weird.  They crack up. 

EJ was so looking forward to his time at the Grandfather Trout Farm.  They stock the ponds and provide all the equipment you need, clean, and ice pack the fish.  We were there for quite a while and only getting nibbles.  Lainey used the time to learn the fine art of rolling down a grassy hill. 


Finally, right as I was focusing this shot he yelled out “I’ve got one!”.  See the line pulling?

His first Rainbow Trout…the boy could NOT stop smiling.  We had trout for dinner :)

At the trout farm, there was also gem mining.  They loved the process of finding the cool rocks. 

The last stop of the day was Hawksnest.  During the winter months, this is a snow tubing place (years ago, it was a ski resort…when Randy and I were dating, we came here with friends for Midnight Skiing).  They are now in the process of adding a huge system of cables for zip lines!  They had 4 lines open, with plans to open a total of 14 next week.  Since Randy took the big kids rafting, I had the pleasure of zip lining with them.  I was a little nervous…heights aren’t really my comfort zone.  To say the least.  But, I have to say.  It was AMAZING.  I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

Is it possible that anyone looks good in these things?

We did 4 runs, each one longer and higher.  The last one was 2000 ft. long! 

One of our guides was impressed with how aerodynamic Marley was.  We joked she was like an arrow shooting through the air. 

EJ flying through the trees!

On the last run, Payton had a very concerned look on his face!  He assured us he was fine and loved it. 

Favorite shot!  The guide said Abbey was a natural and asked her if she wanted a job :) 

Randy had the easy job of juggling picture taking, video, and Lainey.  The kids will love being able to watch the videos of themselves! 

We ended our day with a delicious trout dinner (thanks, EJ) and a boys vs. girls game of Pictionary (after Lainey went to bed).  A fantastic day.