Ribbon Day for Marley

Author: Donna  //  Category: Marley  //  Comments (3)  //  Add Comment

Marley has taken gymnastics for almost 4 years.  She began in the beginner class and this year was moved to advanced.  She loves it, it’s truly her “thing”.  Last weekend she participated in the annual event Ribbon Day.  This is a fundraiser for the competitive teams and a chance for the recreational classes to show their stuff.  Marley wants to try out again for team next year – she tried last year but was told she needed to build up her strength.  She’s, therefore, been focusing a lot on that in class and at home.  Marley is a very motivated child, so I think she’ll do great! 




2nd handstand from the left



nice height on the tumble track!



low beam


high beam



everyone received ribbons and a medal


enjoying the applause!


She loved her first Ribbon Day :)


Author: Donna  //  Category: Trips / Vacations  //  Comments (2)  //  Add Comment

The last part of our trip was a spur of the moment thing, when we ran into old friends of ours at the NC Homeschool Convention.  We were invited to their dads vs. sons football game and it was a fantastic opportunity to see friends that we’ve not seen in years! 

Back BK (before kids), we were members of Crossroad’s Fellowship and were in a small group with about 6 other couples.  None of us had kids.  Randy and I were first, having Abbey in February.  Amazingly, everyone else had their first child within a year’s time!  We literally all became parents together, helping and supporting each other along the way.  We were missing a couple of families, who moved away long ago.  But, it was a blast seeing everyone!


The moms – Rebecca, Jan, Shelley, Valerie, Julie, Kristin, me


The kids – Abbey, John William, Emily, Taylor, Allen, Kathleen, and Zachary


John William and Abbey, the two oldest.  Years ago, John William’s parents and I watched a video parenting series at our house, while the babies played on the floor.  I started to dig up a baby pic and post it here, but I’ll save them the embarrassment. 


Abbey and Taylor…very good friends back in the day.  I kept Taylor when she was a baby while Jan worked.  I remember clearly Taylor falling out of her bouncy seat (she was only a few months old, I had her unstrapped for just a second and she tumbled out).  Oh, the guilt!  She looks fine to me.  :)


The game…Randy said he wasn’t going to play.  Yea, right.  There he is in the black shirt, giving it all he’s got.  The boys are in there somewhere.  Not sure who won?  I know Kristin’s husband, Jim, didn’t.  He dove for the ball and ended cracking ribs and seperating his shoulder.  Poor guy is still rehabing…hope you feel better soon, Jim.  And, yes, you’re a stud. 


Marley and Danielle…Danielle is Zach’s younger sister.  Her family has been down to Florida to see us a couple of times, which is always great. 


Rebecca, me, and Val


John, Jeff, and Randy. 

Thanks for letting us crash your day, guys!  We loved seeing everyone!

The trip continues…

Author: Donna  //  Category: Trips / Vacations  //  Comments (2)  //  Add Comment

We were able to spend time with pretty much all of our family while in NC, which is quite a feat!  The kids especially look so forward to spending time with all of their cousins. 


Lined up on the couch at Aunt Kim and Uncle John’s house.  Marley and Katherine are missing, most likely tracking down a frog in the backyard or planning their college careers up in K’s bedroom. 


And, Matthew was upstairs, snuggling with his dad and entertaining us with his giggles. 


Here is M and K, enjoying some extremely sweet cookies and wonderful chocolate cake from Nana. 


Lainey loved these cookies, especially the red sprinkles. 


Granma, are you trying to swipe my cookie?? 


Lainey with Granma and Granpa…she spent her very first night away from Randy and I while we were at the homeschool conference (Abbey went with us, the other 4 stayed).  She did okay, had a few rough moments and clinged to Marley quite a bit.  But, it’s all a process in her learning that mama and dada will ALWAYS come back.


Lainey loved Tony and Dee Dee’s dog, Riley. 


Payton and Gabe…the only cousins currently wired. 


We hung out with Randy’s dad and Kathy while home, too.  Here are Paw Paw and Nana with their FL grands. 


Kendall and Abbey


Nana and Paw Paw’s new dog , Hogan took a licking…uh, liking to Marley. 

Our trip memories aren’t done yet.  Stay tuned.


Author: Donna  //  Category: Trips / Vacations  //  Comments (2)  //  Add Comment


Our kids and Randy’s brother’s kids, ages 17 - 2.  

We took a trip to NC during Memorial Day weekend, and I’m just NOW posting about it (much to my mother’s dismay…).  We took so many pictures, that going through them has been the daunting task that I’ve cleverly avoided until now.  Honestly, though, I’ve only gone through half and only the LAST half of the trip.  Too late to finish (yawn), so I’ll just post our trip in parts.  You don’t mind, do you?

We usually head home to NC around Easter, because Randy’s mom Ann has a HUGE egg hunt that she puts on for the kids.  This year, we decided to go home later so the egg hunt just got postponed a bit.  Same amount of fun, no matter when it happens!

NC 2

Lainey looked hard for those eggs!  Gram helped her a lot, too. 



Pa-Paul helped with the out-of-reach eggs. 


Currently his favorite shirt. 

NC 3

stretch, boy!  Don’t you just love the coordinated outfit?

NC 1

Marley always has time to pose. 


Abbey (in white shirt) reading her clues.  The big kids (age 12 and up) do the hiding for the younger kid’s hunt and then Gram makes up clues for them to find their giant filled eggs. 

Now, for some clowning around… 


Abbey and Samara


Dee Dee and Randy’s brother, Tony



Tony kept making us laugh, the big goon. 

Going through the egg hunt loot…





Yes, she must spend HOURS putting all these eggs together.  There are 10 kids, and each child must have at least 20 eggs. 

Next installment of our NC trip coming up soon!