Blank Slate

Author: donna  //  Category: Home  //  Comments (3)  //  Add Comment


Wish I would have taken a “before” picture of it. Picture knee-deep weeds interspersed with taller, dead stalks of who-knows-what. Randy took his new (to him), beloved green tractor and mowed it all down. Then, we hooked up with a local homeschool dad who came with his big ‘ol tiller and turned it into this lovely patch of dirt.


We measured it tonight… 26′ wide x 110′ long. Gracious. The previous owners installed a sprinkler system specifically for the garden…we tested it out tonight. The heads need some tweaking, but Randy will get it working correctly.

Now, the question is…what do we plant? I have a couple of tomato plants already, 1 strawberry plant, and 1 bean plant. They were all started in pots. I’ll admit, other than having a fairly small garden years ago that consisted mainly of tomatoes, I’m a newbie here.

Other questions…how much space does each type of veggie need? What CAN I plant this time of year? What fertilizers (if any) do we use? How do I keep the weeds at bay? (other than lots of hands working to pull them) Do we jump in and fill the whole garden this year, or start small? I feel like googling “basics of veggie gardening” and printing everything I find.

Thankfully, we’re told that the local mom ‘n pop garden center just a mile or so from us will help a TON. I’m hoping they take mercy on us :)


*Diversion* While taking the garden pics, I managed to catch the mama bird flying out of her knot-hole nest. She works hard, flying in and out all day long. Wish we could peek inside to see those little guys! We can sure hear them.

So, any garden experts out there? I’d love your tips and advice on this new venture of ours! I’m excited (and nervous) about getting started…