All Cracked Up

Author: Donna  |  Category: church

Our church’s annual Easter outreach “All Cracked Up” was this past Saturday.  It started out a little chilly, but warmed up nicely and we all had a good time.  Lainey stood by the sign like we told her to, but she decided she didn’t have to smile. 

Egg hunts were divided by age, and Lainey’s age (the one that Randy and I were in charge of) was planned for the b-ball court.  The eggs were already out there when we arrived.  Problem…it was windy on Saturday, and the eggs kept rolling out to the edges of the court.  Our kids and friends attempted to spread them back out, but one gust of wind and they were right back.  Oh well, they tried. 

Ready, set, go!  See Lainey in the middle?  We had to prod her to get her out there, and then she basically just walked around like she had no clue what to do.  ??  Thankfully, a little boy with a basket full of eggs shared with her. 

Call me cheap, but I didn’t buy her an Easter basket (gasp), so we used this pink bag.  We’re a non-Easter bunny/Santa/Toothfairy family so my kids are obviously deprived. 

Payton, Marley, and friends help her go through her loot.  They were looking for a special yellow paper that meant she’d won a prize.  She did.  Silly Putty!

After the egg hunts, it was time for a KidStuf show.  The teens dressed up for fun…the cute little ladybug on the right is Abbey. 

Next, was the Manhunt.  A special egg hunt for the big guys.  There were gift cards for a certain chicken restaurant (see the cow?) and a golden egg with a Lowe’s card.  Food and tools…motivation.  See the guy in the middle with the wide brim hat?  My guy. 

He zeroed in on the sandbox.  Afterwards, he told us he did find a silver egg, but left it there so a guest could find it.  Should I believe him?  :)

This face wouldn’t lie. 

Abbey snatches the camera, and helps prove that I was there. 

Lainey finds her smile surrounded by her brothers and their friends. 

I hope you celebrated Palm Sunday today.  This week we remember Jesus, his sacrifice, and then celebrate the truth of his resurection.  Happy Easter!

3 Responses to “All Cracked Up”

  1. fourgrands Says:

    We enjoyed your “slide show” of your Saturday before Easter “All Cracked Up”…love that name!! So Lainey was different carrying a pink bag instead of a basket…it was cute! Abbey, you made an adorable “lady bug” and it looks like you enjoyed dancing on stage!! Liked Randy’s “Australian” hat! That must have been funny watching all those guys hunt for the eggs! Lainey, you enjoy being around your brothers and their friends, don’t you?!! :) Good picture of the author, too, by the way!!!

  2. dozfam7 Says:

    I was so thrilled to read you are adopting again. Dylan is one good looking boy! I know he will be blessed as well as be a blessing to you all. Are you ready for another roller coaster year, as all adoption waits are? Such wonderful news!
    Praying for speedy travel.

  3. Donna Says:

    Hey mom! -Abbey- I had so much fun! =D I loved being the ONLY jr. higher dressing up! Everyone else was in sr. high!!!! I knew all of them thankfully, Zach, Tori, so and so. lol I wish we could be back 4 next year!

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