No Girls Allowed

Author: Donna  |  Category: Ethan, Payton

What do you get when you combine 5 preteen boys, a dad who is only chronologically in his 40’s, air soft guns, ammo, pizza, midnight movie, sticky explosions, a potato launcher, 2 sleepovers in a row, junk food, Guitar hero, and bible study? 

You get Randy’s Real Life Group’s PROGRESSIVE SLEEPOVER!  Weeks ago, the guys were all talking about doing something special as a group.  Those discussions turned into a full-out, all-things-boy weekend.  The itinerary was:

Arrive here at 6pm Friday night

Play, hang out, make explosions, and shoot potatoes into the pond behind our house

Riddle/illusions/word search competition

Guitar Hero (boys sing LOUDLY)

Bible study

Leave for the midnight showing of Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Get home around 2:30, go to bed

Wake up at 7:30 for a work-day at church

Air soft gun fight in the field behind church

Go to the next house for more bible study and another sleepover – more playing, junk food, etc. no doubt

Get up for church

I’m fully expecting my boys to come home after church on Sunday and collapse into heaps on the couch.  But, the fun they’ve had will be remembered. 

More pics of their time here on Friday…

Love this shot.  All 5 boys working on illusions and riddles surrounded by soda, pizza, and an array of artillery and ammunition. 

Here is the “other” boy, pumping up the potato launcher.  Fuzziness credited to Ethan, the photographer. 

Potatoes must go THAT way.  Grunt. 

What’er you lookin’ at?  Haven’t you ever seen potato shootin’ before?


Set up soda.  Decide the lucky kid to drop in the Men*tos candy. 

How about Ethan?  He’ll do anything. 

jumping back and…


I think that’ll be enough to describe the whole weekend.  After they wake up from their naps tomorrow.

2 Responses to “No Girls Allowed”

  1. GramStegall Says:

    Did the “boys” design the potato shooter? I don’t think I have ever seen one in a store. I love the way you describe my son’s age, but then I just happen to agree with you, too. LOL

  2. fourgrands Says:

    That was SOME itinerary!!! Randy is right in there with the boys…the question is: Who had more fun, him or the OTHER boys?!!! :D I remember Randy shooting the potatoes for the 1st time at the deck overlooking the St. Johns River!! What fun that was!! Love the soda explosion!! You’re right…these are definitely memories for everyone. We think it’s great how Randy shares lots of time with the kids and their friends doing crazy stuff like this…he’s a real hero!!!!!

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