No Pain, No Travel

Author: Donna  |  Category: Adoption

Randy and I paid a visit to our local travel clinic tonight, to begin our immunizations needed for our trip to China. I spoke to the nurse on the phone a couple of weeks ago and she was so nice and willing to discuss what she thought we would need. There are no requirements for vaccinations for travel to China, only recommendations. So, Randy had his first Hep A/B, I had the Hep A (had the B series years ago), and we both got Tetanus shots. The kids were with us, cheering us on! The girls even presented us with tiny glass bottles, filled with notes that said things like “way to be brave” and “you’re the dad”. How sweet. So, tonight we have sore shoulders and the satisfaction that we’re slowly, but surely taking care of our “things to do before our China trip” list!

2 Responses to “No Pain, No Travel”

  1. fourgrands Says:

    Yeah!! You’re the Mom and the Dad!! I love it!! (Not that you guys have sore shoulders, but the cheering on from the kids!!) I remember, Donna, when you were younger, it took the nurse and me both to hold you down just to give you one shot…remember when we got a tiny piece of paper that says to take you to room 7?? You fought me all the way to that room!!! Just thought I’d jog your memory a little!! Ha! Tell Abbey not to worry about not getting cards…just tell her to check the mail box in about a week! It’s snowing here as I type…it looks like a “winter wonderland”! I took some pretty pictures with my camera! So, go to your “Things to do before your China trip” list and cross of “shots”!! Yay!!
    Take some Advil for the soreness…Love ya Mom

  2. Janet T. Says:

    Okay, I HAVE to get on that. I HAVE to do it! YUCK!

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