A Day at Seaworld!

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

Living in North Florida has several advantages. One is the usually mild weather that we get all year long…though, I must admit, I little winter weather might be nice on occasion. Another is living in a state that a lot of people enjoy visiting. We’ve been able to see several friends and family members, simply because they’re in Florida for other reasons (business, visiting family, etc.) and we can meet up with them!

This happened just this past Sunday! My cousin, Peg, and her family have been in Orlando for the past 2 weeks. We drove down yesterday AM and spent the day with them at SeaWorld! Florida is quite a change for them, being from NJ where the high today is supposed to be 30F! They’re on their way home as I type. We really enjoyed hanging out with them, and my kids (especially my girls!) loved being with their 2nd cousins! Here are a few pics from the day…

The kids!

Ashley teaches Marley a hand rhyme

The girls with the Clydesdale horses

Petting Manna Rays

Payton gives the Shamu Show 2 thumbs up!

Mom and Abbey

Randy, Donna, Peg, and Tracy…4 tired, but happy parents!


2 Responses to “A Day at Seaworld!”

  1. fourgrands Says:

    I love the pictures of my nieces and my grandkids all having fun together…save me some prints, please! (Also of the tired but happy parents!!) I think it’s great that the kids could all see their cousins from NJ almost a year after we were all up there for Grandmom’s 85th birthday party! Looks like everyone had a good time! Donna, where’s YOUR hat?? Love that “Braves” shirt!! Marley, you’ll have to teach me the “hand rhyme” you learned from Ashley! I imagine the girls loved the Clydesdale horses! I like Payton’s “thumbs up” picture, and it looks like Ethan really enjoyed petting the manna rays! It will take the Schnyers awhile to get back used to NJ temps!!
    I’m glad they had 2 weeks of Florida sunshine and fun!! Love, Mom

  2. Janet T. Says:

    That sounds like a GREAT day! I wish we had a sea life place near here. Petting manta rays? That would be a dream come true for my kiddos!

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