Surgery Day

Author: Donna  |  Category: Medical

Just a quick update on how today went for Miss Lainey.

We started the day absolutely SURE surgery would get cancelled.  She woke up coughing A LOT and sounded congested.  Randy even suggested we just call someone and tell them she’s too sick.  But, we went and amazingly as the morning went on, the coughing went away and the doctors cleared her for surgery.

She went in at 12:15pm.  Dr. G finally came to us about 3:45 and told us all went great, no complications, no surprises.  Praise God!

Lainey was moved to her room around 5pm.  She’s been sleeping on and off since then (mostly on) and honestly seems a little miffed about the whole situation.  Can’t say I blame her.  She has a sore mouth (which we’ve not seen the inside of yet), a bruised and swollen  ear (from where they took the cartilidge out), stitches in 3 places on her nose holding a wad of gauze in her nostril, and stitches above her lip.  I’d be having mood issues myself!

It’s 8:20pm now, Randy has gone downstairs to get us some dinner and then he’s heading home to be with the big kids.  I’ll stay here for the night, Randy will bring the kids to the hospital tomorrow.  She’s beginning to wake up more as the night goes on, so we’ll start giving her more water with the syringe (she’s had that once so far).  Today she’s allowed only clear liquids, tomorrow she can upgrade to full liquids.  Woo hoo :)

Seeing your child wheeled into surgery isn’t fun, and the tears came as usual.  I’m so thankful it’s over…her 3rd surgery in her 3 years.  With at least that many to come in her life.  Thank you to those who thought of us and prayed for us.

Hope to share a few pics tomorrow :)

4 Responses to “Surgery Day”

  1. Mrs. Stringer Says:

    Oh Donna. I know it was hard to see her wheeled away. I teared up just thinking about it. I hope she gets to feeling better and starts drinking. Prayers go out to you.


  2. radicchi Says:

    So, so glad that this is behind you. I’ll pray for recovery.

  3. fourgrands Says:

    Sorry, I didn’t see this till now. I’ve been working and looking in Facebook instead. I know of one incident that your dad and I had to take you to the hospital. It was when you were jumping up & down on the bed and as I ran over to you, you hit the bridge of your nose on the book case headboard. It was not a pretty sight. They wouldn’t let us in where you were having stitches, and we heard you crying…it broke my heart. When they did let us in, you looked at me with your little hands held open and cried, “Oh Maaaa maaaaa!!” You had a bandage over the stitches. That will always be “etched” in my brain. Thank goodness that was the only incident in the hospital. Oh yeah, and then there was the time you had Mumps…and I took a picture of you..sorry, but I just couldn’t resist it!!

    So, no one can understand unless they’re a parent, how it feels for their child to be in pain or leaving them to go into surgery. We do understand and I had tears in my eyes reading this. (That’s why I mentioned the mumps make you laugh!!)

    We’ll continue to pray for Lainey Q. as she recuperates. So far, so good, it sounds like with her getting her appetite back…that’s a huge step!

  4. Mrs. Stringer Says:

    How is Lainey doing?

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