Cookies on Christmas Eve Eve

Author: Donna  |  Category: Holidays

The annual Christmas cookie making project.  Same recipe we’ve used since I was a little girl, but now I make them instead of my mother.  Same cookie press that my mom received as a wedding shower present 45+ years ago (works better than any “modern” one I’ve ever wasted money on). 

Two eager helpers, ready to mix! 

Mama, I have a teaspoon!!

can’t help but lick the beaters. 

we’ve never been harmed by raw cookie dough, I see no reason to stop this practice.  Call me a rebel. 

Hey, who is this?  Abbey skipped all the messy mixing and just jumped in for the fun stuff. 

Let’s pause for a cookie making tip!  I cover all of my surfaces with beach towels.  After we’re done, all the loose dough bits and sprinkles get shaken out into the yard.  Easy peasy clean up, and I’m sure the birds love that Christmas treat!   

Marley chose camels…surprise that she’d choose an animal shape, huh?

Time to sprinkle the cookies…

Abbey, one of our more creative kiddos, takes her time with each cookie. 

The first of 12 dozen cookies done, Lainey wants a sample. 

She (and the rest of us cookie monsters) approve whole-heartedly.  Now, to make sure we don’t eat them all before our trip to NC.  My mom is eagerly waiting for some :)

4 Responses to “Cookies on Christmas Eve Eve”

  1. GramStegall Says:

    Okay…. I love the pictures and the traditions you have. It doesn’t surprise me that Marley chose the camel or that Abbey takes her time being creative. It looks like Abbey is feeling better which is an answer to prayers. I love the one of Lainey with her “teaspoon” and her foot curled up, but my favorite is the final picture showing Lainey enjoying the results.

    p.s. my boys ALWAYS ate the cookie dough and when we made snow cream it was always with eggs which obviously weren’t cooked (?) Didn’t seem to hurt us either so I was a rebel and didn’t even know it !!

    By the way why aren’t the boys helping you all this year or is this just a “girl” thing??

    Can’t wait to see all of you. Make sure you take your allergy meds for a couple of days so there won’t be a reaction to Skatcat.

  2. acfm85 Says:

    They look delicious! Happy faces too! Merry Christmas!

    Alyzabeth’s Mommy

  3. fourgrands Says:

    Mmmmmm, I’m salivating just looking at those wonderful delicious cookies, and yes, I AM eagerly waiting for them!! :D Oh, how I LOVE the cookie dough!! The Pillsbury ones I cut a few days ago were good after they were baked, but I think the raw dough tastes even better!! I have talked to some people who told me that they actually eat the entire pack of Pillsbury cookie dough…ooooh, stomach ache!!

    Marley, you look so cute in your Santa hat! Lainey looks like she’s loving our traditional cookies. Abbey, I love your “finishing touches”…very professional looking! :) Have a GREAT Christmas tomorrow…Hope everyone gets what they wished for. Our wish (and prayer) is that you all have a safe trip up here on Saturday…can’t wait to see you guys!!!

  4. Donna Says:

    hey mom, I -abbey- was taking time on that cookie cause it was my ginger bread army!! lol i made 4 of them, dont u just LUV them! lol!

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