There’s a kitty in the house…

Author: Donna  |  Category: Lainey

Her name is Lainey.  Sometimes she’s a boy kitty, and sometimes she’s a girl, depending on her mood.  She loves to be held, and makes lovely meowing noises. 

You can find her walking around on all fours, purring against your leg, or curled up in her favorite chair for a nap.  Sometimes she tries to lick you…watch out for that one. 

We think she makes a great addition to the family.  The dog isn’t so sure.

5 Responses to “There’s a kitty in the house…”

  1. Derek and Julie Says:

    What a sweet, precious little girl! Lainey, you are so cool!

  2. GramStegall Says:

    Wonder if your little “kitty” and my SkatCat would get along??? These pictures are precious… just as Lainey is.

  3. fourgrands Says:

    Don’t you just love toddlers?? You never know from day to day what they’re thinking and learning!! I’ve been “licked” by “kitty” toddlers, mostly girls!! It’s amazing how much pretending Lainey is doing…she’s so creative! Don’t worry Jack…this TOO shall pass!! :) :)

  4. kristin Says:

    How sweet is Lainey?? My girls are all into acting like kitties or dogs too. You just never know what each day might bring!

  5. jenjenniffniff Says:

    Hey, we have a little kitty girl in our house too!

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