Small Victories

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

You know those things around the house that you always “mean to get around to”?? The little things that, everytime you see them, make you cringe and think “one day…” Well, today was the day. This afternoon, I tacked 2 (not 1, but 2!) junk drawers from my kitchen. Yes!! I’m breathing easier already. And…this one might make you laugh…I went through the entire magic marker basket (think small suitcase size) and tested EVERY MARKER. Kept the good, tossed the bad. Ahhhh…. Is that you laughing?? Admit it, you’re thinking of that embarrassing junk drawer in YOUR kitchen, aren’t you??

P.S. Stay tuned for a post and pictures of the CCAI (our adoption agency) Reunion that we attended this weekend! SO many adorable children…

2 Responses to “Small Victories”

  1. jessica Says:

    I have the embarrassing junk drawer in my kitchen too! You gave me some motivation. I am going to clean mine out! Thanks Donna!

  2. EliseLiptack Says:

    I can totally relate! I feel so good when I can tackle those things that are invisible to everyone else! I have a few drawers in my kitchen right now that could use some attention;)

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