Current state of affairs

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family, Medical

The “ick” has hit our house, in the form of the flu.  Ethan is hardest hit, and his asthma makes it even worse.  Marley feels worse today than she did yesterday.  Payton dealt with some nausea and a headache today.  Abbey has some achiness, Lainey has had some digestive issues, and Randy and I have had a headache for two days.  We brought this home from NC, after our kids got together with their 12 cousins.  As of tonight (if I’m counting right), 13 of those 17 cousins have the flu.  Amazing :)

4 Responses to “Current state of affairs”

  1. fourgrands Says:

    Bless his heart…I hope he and the rest of you get better quickly. I called last night after getting your e-mail and Abbey said Ethan was jumping up & down playing. Maybe he felt better then. I know sometimes when I have a virus, I feel ok one minute and then awful the next. Has Ethan needed breathing treatments? Even the headaches you get with this stuff is bad…Ibuprofen hardly helps…you just have to ride it out. Prayers for all of you…Love, Mom

  2. radicchi Says:

    Hope he feels better soon, and that you guys stay healthy.

  3. Janet T. Says:

    Poor kids! That picture makes me want to cry! I always feel so badly for kids when they’re sick. I’m praying you ALL feel better SOOOOOON!!!!!

  4. GramStegall Says:

    It looks like Ethan is just sleeping (under a beautiful afghan !) LOL But knowing it is because of the flu does make it a sad picture. Just talked to Marley and she sounded better. She said that just her and Ethan were sick???? Hope ALL of you start feeling better real soon.

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