2nd Day of School

Author: Donna  |  Category: Homeschool

Notes from my kids MAKE my day… (this one is from EJ)

I didn’t want to be SO predictable and post about the kids 1st day of homeschool :)  Today was our SECOND day and it went really well.  This is my 9th year teaching at home – Abbey began her homeschooling in 2001 when she was 5, the triplets joined the “class” in 2003 (boy was THAT an interesting year…), and Lainey will officially begin in 2011.  I try to avoid thinking of how many years I have left to school …too stressful to consider! 

Seriously, though, I can’t imagine doing it any other way.  There are certainly days when I question my abilities, patience, and strength to get through each day – especially as they grow older, subjects become more difficult, and studies take longer to complete.  But, there are many more GOOD days than bad. 

I am BLESSED to be able to stay home and teach-train-raise our kids with the knowledge and beliefs that WE desire they have.  And, our kids wouldn’t have it any other way. 

The teacher with her future student.  (note to self – try a little eye makeup next time maybe?)

 Lainey, are you excited to do school one day?

I’ll call that a yes. 

And, no, this pic has ZERO to do with the topic of this post – but it’s too darn cute not to include!  Lainey gave lots of lovin’ to Cammie while she was here (we were dog-sitting for friends).  She went home today, and the kids hated to see her go.

4 Responses to “2nd Day of School”

  1. GramStegall Says:

    I agree with Ethan in that you are a great teacher !! AND I wouldn’t want my grands taught in any other way than what both you & Randay and Tony & Dee Dee have chosen to do. Not only are they all learning more, but are doing it in a Christian and loving atmosphere w/ Christian values in their lessons. Home schooling allows the Dads to get involved, too. Plus, you set the hours, days, subjects, etc. and when you want to incorporate travel into their teaching – you can.

    What do home school kids miss out on? Introduction to drugs, violence, extreme peer pressure, cursing and more.

    What do they gain? one on one teaching, Christian values, the meaning of Christmas and Easter, appreciation of others, self-discipline, love of reading, better grades, knowing they have parents that really care for them… I could go on and on. They also aren’t “sheltered” as all of them are into other activities and go to church and do so much.

    Home schooling isn’t for everybody, but I am thankful to God that my two daughters-in-law are smart enough and patient enough to do such a great job !!!

    Yes, the picture of Lainey is way too cute not to post !!

  2. Donna Says:

    Abbey- lol. I look horrible in that reading pic. :) although I love the new K12 math. people, in the pic of marley and Tate, notice the BIG blue math book. :) me and marls both have one of those, and a text that u also see, then another book in which we right the answers in. fwoo! :)

  3. fourgrands Says:

    We definitely agree that you are blessed, Donna, to have the opportunity to teach all of your kids and it shows everyday in their lives. We’re so proud of you for 9 years…going on the big 10 of homeschooling. We feel safer knowing our grandkids are safe at home studying instead of on school buses and in classrooms with so many other kids. It’s ashame that it’s gotten so bad in schools with drugs, guns, etc. The only thing I can remember that was bad in school was kids (not me) smoking in the bathrooms.

    These are good pictures for their 2nd day of school…I didn’t realize they already started. Payton looks like he just got out of bed…”Wake up, Pate!” :) I love Abbey’s big smile as she reads and it sounds like she’s excited about the K12 math…great!! And Ethan and Marley look very studius (sp.?) as they study.

    You look wonderful in your picture…don’t even worry about eye make up. Cute shots of you & Lainey, and yes, little puppy “Cammie” and Lainey are adorable together!!! HAVE A GREAT SCHOOL YEAR, GUYS…WE ARE SO PROUD OF ALL OF YOU!!!! <3

  4. Mrs. Stringer Says:

    Have a great year! Your kids are blessed to have you as the teacher.

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