Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home

Author: Donna  |  Category: Adoption

There I was, minding my own business, pulling weeds in the backyard. Not exactly my favorite thing to do! I felt something around my head and swatted, assuming it was a menacing insect. Something landed on my shirt, I looked down and it was a beautiful ladybug! I held him a minute, as he struggled to find freedom and fly away. He was so red (duh) and covered with lots of black spots. Could this be a special day in Lainey’s life…maybe she’s been born?

If you’re reading this and thinking “what in the world is she talking about?”, let me explain. For some reason, ladybugs have become somewhat of a good luck charm in the China adoption world. Years ago, right after a big ladybug season (I remember when there were tons in our bonus room in NC years back!), referrals for babies in China sped up dramatically. So, people have come to believe (or like to pretend they believe) that ladybugs are a sign of good luck, or something good happening in regards to the adoption.

Okay, so I don’t believe all that. I know ladybugs have nothing to do with how my adoption is going! But, hey, it’s fun and there’s no harm in having a little red spotted bug bring a smile to your face. It made me think of the precious gift that our family will eventually receive! Anything that brightens up this wait time…I’m all for!

3 Responses to “Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home”

  1. Janet T. Says:

    Glad it wasn’t a bee! :-) And good girl for pulling weeds- gets out all your frustrations- “one month more to wait” (yank vigorously), “another rumour” (yank even harder) ….. you get the picture. Not that I can talk at all. Our “flower bed” is now a weed heaven. I tell people it’s my “natural” bed, but it’s really my “example of how lazy I am and how much I HATE gardening!” :-)

  2. Kim Says:

    I like the song on your blog! Have a wonderful weekend! We are on our way to the beach tomorrow! We’ll be in your beautiful state! Take Care!


  3. jessica Says:

    You’ve been tagged, but this is a fun one that I started! See my blog:

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