
Author: Donna  |  Category: Family


Lainey’s new joke…she sees you walking in another room and she sssstretches herself across the opening to block you!  Ha ha!  Isn’t it amazing how flexible toddlers are?! 


EJ had his last regular season ball game on Saturday and they won…they’re in 1st place in their division, undefeated for the season!  Play-offs start next week. 


We used our Ergo carrier in China and then some when we first came home.  Last week, she was having a clingy day, and wanted me to hold her a lot.  I asked if she wanted to use the carrier, and she was thrilled.  It’s most comfy to hold her on my back now, rather than the front or side.  With a weight limit of 40lbs., she’s got another 10 or so pounds to go. 


The kids are swimming quite a bit now, even though the water isn’t NEARLY warm enough for their momma.  I’m a bath water kinda gal. 


Gotta enjoy this time to the fullest…she’ll be too old for ruffly bathing suits all too soon. 


Cute kid, huh?


Nice form, Marley!


Lainey gets a rickshaw ride, Florida style. 


Two of the coolest girls I know!

8 Responses to “Randomness”

  1. GramStegall Says:

    If I can quit laughing, I will try to post.

    First, if my legs EVER got stretched out like Lainey’s… it would take the ER, ICU, fire dept. and EMT’s to get me back straight.

    Way to go EJ on this year’s ball team.
    All I can say about Lainey on your back is “poor back.” Yet she is the one that looks like she is in pain.

    Loved the pool pictures. Yes, Payton is a cute kid.

    I was already laughing at the ruffled bathing suit, but the “two coolest girls” picture capped it off. Abbey looks way too grown up for me. (where did the little cute “ta-da” baby go???) Lainey is hilarious trying to mimic Abbey. She looks like “OMG… can you touch this?”

  2. ShelbysMom Says:

    Thanks for the suggestion to re-register. I picked a new name out too, seeing as how I can do that….

    Anyway, these pic’s were just too good! As always, Lainey is so funny, and you definitely have a good eye with the camera for those candid shots…

    I love the fluffy little butt! Very cute!

  3. Donna Says:

    Payton C-

    I am proud of ethans baseball year, he’s doing very good. When mom got that bathing suit for lainey I loved it! Mom is right about me being cute (LOL) The pool isn’t THAT cold…

  4. Donna Says:

    Hey it’s Marley C!

    I love the pool! It’s not TOO cold, but it’s not warm either. I am so glad we got that bathing suit for Lainey! I love it! Lainey loves to ride in the pool seat, with me or Abbey pulling her like a horse! Ethan team is AMAZING! I can’t beilieve they havn’t lost a game yet! Woo Hoo the Play Offs! See ya!


  5. Janet T. Says:

    Loved these pics. So cute. Love the ruffle bum…love the cool gals, love the flexibility (but OWWWWW!), love the diving, the pool…

    I think it’s all great. So nice to see such a happy family!!!!

  6. amyschristopher Says:

    Love all of these..Looks like everyone has been having a blast

  7. Derek and Julie Says:

    You are such a good mom!

  8. fourgrands Says:

    Just got back from TN so I’m trying to catch up on these pictures and stories…the pool looks sooo refreshing! Yes, Payton, you’re toooo cute! Love the ruffles on Lainey Q!! But the best is the last one of Abbey & Lainey….I definitely want a print of THAT!! Love, Mom

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