While we’re missing daddy…

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

One of L’s favorite toys is her camera…wonder where she gets THAT from?

Marley makes a great subject for Lainey’s photography :)

I know I look like “Cousin It” in this shot, but wanted to show Lainey’s latest regular request…”baby”.  She signs “baby”, which means she wants me to hold her like this.  She loves it, and just stares up at me, sometimes playing with my hair.  I’ve heard this is quite common with adopted children, who feel like they missed out on the babying stage.  I always comply with her baby requests, I know it’s healthy for her and helps her to catch up on her development. 

So, Abbey rushes in the door today, yelling “Mom!! Get the camera!!”.  Seagulls decided to hang out by the pond behind our house…could have something to do with the bread the girls were feeding them.  This is one part of living in Florida I LOVE.  We get beautiful white and gray egrets in our pond daily…I love watching them make their slow, steady steps through the water, looking for their next meal.  Today’s seagull visitors were a fun surprise :)

7 Responses to “While we’re missing daddy…”

  1. GramStegall Says:

    I am not sure who is enjoying the “babying” more… you or Lainey.

    Love the shot outside at the lake with the birds.

  2. Sarah Says:

    Love the “baby” picture! Also, love that Lainey is loving the camera! Naomi picked up one of Daniel’s army trucks today… she was walking around pretending it was a camera, saying “say cheese!” :)

  3. mom2cosi Says:

    Hi, Clarks!
    Just wanted to say that my daughter does the “baby” thing, too! :)

  4. Melinda Says:

    I love the “baby” picture! It is so sweet and I, like you, would have no problem honoring her requests!

  5. Donna Says:

    Wow mom! It’s Abbey! I did not think that you would post a pic of the birds the day wedid it. But u have to admit that the birds looked amazing!! I could have touched one!!!! gtg!

  6. Derek and Julie Says:

    Interesting reason you gave about adopted children wanting the “baby stage”. I have never heard of this. However, Cherish is definitely in the “baby stage” right now. It’s nice to have them want to be held, cuddled, and rocked–in light of how busy toddlers normally can be. Thanks for sharing the information.

  7. fourgrands Says:

    Love this blog…the pictures are really cute and so are your captions, as usual. The love for photography started with my grandfather, my dad, me, you and now Lainey Q!!

    I think that’s so sweet that Lainey wants to be your “baby”, but sad that she missed the cuddling when she was younger. How lucky she is to now have family members to make up for lost time loving and cuddling her and making her feel at home.

    Looks like the girls had fun with their new feathered friends at the pond!! Our neighbor said it was an egret that ate all of the fish in their backyard fish pond! He would see the egret stare in the water and he couldn’t get over it, as we’re so far from the ocean!! Love, Mom

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