As close as she’d get

Author: Donna  |  Category: Holidays

We went to the mall tonight, to finish our shopping (and we did) and while there, thought we’d attempt a sitting-on-Santa’s-lap picture with Lainey.  She was fine all the way up the line, talking about how she’d sit on Santa’s lap and practicing her “cheese” smile.  She was fine when we walked up to Santa.  Then, I made the dreaded mistake of putting her on Santa’s lap.  She quickly (and loudly) voiced her opinion on the matter, going stick straight and sliding right down off his lap.  She clung to me, no matter how many lollipops we promised her :)  So, we settled for a picture on mom’s lap BESIDE Santa.  The funny thing is, later on we asked her if she wanted to go sit on Santa’s lap and she signed “please”.  Go figure. 

Earlier in the day, us girls made the pretzle candies that we make each year, and Lainey was gung-ho on helping out. 

She had the job of taking the papers off the candies.  And, surprisingly, she always handed the candies to us rather than plopping them in her mouth (like we expected!)

(she had just had a bath, in case you’re wondering about her wet hair!)

Abbey has her serious candy-making face on.

Of course, we did let her try one…her first Hershey kiss.  A monumental moment in any girl’s life. 

Hugging our little Lainey-size tree on our front porch.

And, last night, we snapped a picture as she had her LAST DOSE of meds!  9 months gone!  Tonight, as we sat eating at the mall, the thought occured to me that I forgot her medicine to mix in with her food.  Then, I remembered we were done!  lol…

It feels good to be done with shopping, but now there is the wrapping to finish, the baking to finish, packing for our trip, etc. etc.  Thankfully, we’ve got lots of hands to help. 

4 Responses to “As close as she’d get”

  1. kristin Says:

    Whoo hoo on NO MORE MEDS! That is great. But mom, how can you not have this child experience a Hershey kiss until now?? Chocolate is a food group, didn’t you know that? (hee hee!)

    Love the Santa pic. Abby “consented” to a picture the other day at school. More like “was pressured into” a photo. She is sitting with Santa looking at the camera but is NOT crackinga smile at all. Go figure. But hey, last year’s pic included mommy so I figure we’re making progress.

    So, here’s to next year with just a Lainey pic with no mommy!!

  2. fourgrands Says:

    After falling off of Santa’s lap and vowing never to sit on it again…she signs “please” to sit on his lap again??!! Oh, Lainey…you’re a real “trip”!! Glad you got one of her & mom with Santa to remember her 1st Christmas!

    Love the photo of Lainey hugging the little tree!!

    We’re glad to hear she doesn’t have to take the medicine anymore…wow, 9 months! Seems like we just heard that she had to start taking it!

    I made pretzel kisses too, but I put another pretzel on top instead of M&M’s. Yes, Abbey does look kinda serious about making the treats…smile, it’s Christmas!!

    So, did Lainey enjoy the Hershey kiss…by the look on her face, it seems like she trying to decide! Can’t wait to see pictures (minus granma!) of the traditional sugar cookies being made!! I can just taste one now! :) Love, Mom

  3. Donna Says:


    Yay lainey! It is a relief she is done with her meds. Pretty good santa. He looked the jolly fellow himself. Can’t wait to go to NC!

  4. GramStegall Says:

    Okay… what I want to know is since you were sitting that close to Santa, did you tell him what you wanted for Christmas? I can’t remember Randy or Tony ever being afraid of Santa (or anything for that matter).

    My favorite picture is the tree hugging one. Lainey hugs everything from pumpkins to trees.

    Sure wish I had Abbey here helping me cook for Christmas. I just finished the “raisin nut rolls” and, yes, I have one extra for you all to take home. Fudge and white candy w/peanut butter will be made on Friday.

    Tell Payton I can’t wait for him to come to NC either. I can’t walk in my den because there are so many presents !!!

    My prayer is that we all stay healthy throughout the holidays so everyone can have a wonderful time. (don’t forget the antihistamines for some of you. LOL)

    Love you all and be careful driving “home”. Gram

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