Softball, baseball, and a loud house

Author: Donna  |  Category: Visitors

Here is Abbey’s softball team, after winning their last game last Friday night.  They had a 10-1 season, finishing in 1st place!  Can you tell it was COLD?  It was 45 degrees cold!  Those of you up north, go ahead and snicker. 

Lainey congratulates her sister…yes, I try to keep gloves and a hat on her.  She rips them right off. 

Yea!!  I can go home!!  Uh…I mean…they won!! 

Switching to baseball…the next afternoon, we headed to EJ’s championship baseball game.  As you can tell, they won, too!  They are the Rookie 10 champs. 

The score was 0-0 up until the 4th inning.  We had a guy at 2nd base.  Then, EJ came up to bat.  His bunt got it all started.  :) 

That bunt scored 1 and the next time up to bat, he got a hit, scoring 2 more.  The final score was 9 to 3. 

That afternoon, our good friends Bob and Valerie Clade came to visit us.  They were on their way to the Orlando area for Thanksgiving…we get most of our visitors that way!  We’ve known the Clade family for more than 12 years.  Their oldest, Zachary and our Abbey were babies together…awww!!  The 7 (our 4 and their 3) big kids are in the tree picture. 

Here’s Lainey trying to give Joshua a squeeze…this is the only pic of him I got, other than one when the little kids were losing it fussy.  Josh is younger than Lainey by 2 months, but is so much bigger!  Lucky kid looks just like Valerie.  No offense, Bob ;) 

Don’t they looked thrilled?  We just had to get a new pic of them together…we still remember them toddling around as babies.  Boy, does time fly by or what. 

It was a fantastic weekend, with the business of ball games to the “volume” of fun that 13 (most of them kids) can make.  :)


2 Responses to “Softball, baseball, and a loud house”

  1. kristin Says:

    Oh, those cold games are no fun——and I am from PA! We don’t live there now but I remember the cold. Now GA seems freezing to me. :-)

    Sounds like the weekend went well for sports. Great job, kids!!!

    Isn’t it fun having “non-cooperative” teens?? Just you wait! That’s all I can say. Hee hee!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Janet T. Says:

    Wow, I’m glad you didn’t get frostbite in that cold…..snicker. Double snicker.

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