Special Day Times Two

Author: Donna  |  Category: Celebrations

Today was children dedication day at our church, and today’s children were ALL adopted…very cool!  Lainey was the only international adoption, the others were either domestic or were foster-adopt children.  It’s so wonderful to see so many adding to their families through adoption!  What made today even sweeter was the day.  November 16th.  Need a hint?  ONE YEAR ago today, we received the call that our agency had matched us with this sweet girl and we first saw her face.  So, let’s go down memory lane, shall we?  Here is my write-up of “The Call” that I wrote a year ago.  I didn’t want to forget any details about that day, so I wrote it all down….

The Call

I woke up on Friday, November 16, 2007 feeling only a little bit optimistic about getting “the call” from CCAI.  It had been more than a week since we thought we WOULD get a call, and the phone just wouldn’t ring.  I was starting to lose hope, and just begin wishing for next week. 

We had a busy day planned.  I had Jazzercise class at 8:45 and then we were due at the Operation Christmas Child collection center at 10:30.  We had a great morning volunteering; the kids really enjoyed helping to pack the crates full of Christmas shoe boxes for the kids around the world.  I had my cell phone on top of my purse, and for the 3+hours we were there, I constantly checked to see if I had any messages…none. 

We finished up volunteering around 2pm.  We were all hungry, but I decided to run by Office Depot to get a new pencil sharpener.  Our existing one was terrible, and really needed to be replaced.  So, we ran in, I found a high end model that I felt sure could handle the amount of sharpening we do in a day, and headed out to the truck. 

We got into the truck, and I cranked it.  Suddenly, I felt my cell phone vibrating in my jacket pocket.  Could it be?  Took it out…looked at the number.  It was a 303 area code…Colorado.  I remember repeating “oh my, oh my, oh my…” and Abbey (who was in the passenger seat) tells the kids in the back “it’s the call!”  I shushed everyone and answered the phone.  It was Deniece, and she asked if I had a minute to talk, that she had a little princess to tell me about to see if this is our daughter.  I squeaked out “yes, please!”  She asks if I’m somewhere where I can talk.  I tell her “Well, I’m in my truck, but I’m parked so let me find a pencil and paper!”  Of course, I had my neatly typed up referral sheet (in the plastic sheet protector) in my purse so Abbey helps me dig it out and find a pen.  Around now, my seatbelt signal is going off, telling me it’s time to buckle up.  I try to decide if I should attempt to buckle up (which I try but it doesn’t work while holding a cell phone, pen and paper) or just turn off the truck (it’s still cranked).  I turn the truck off.  My head was swimming. 

Deniece gives me all the wonderful details about 16 month old Ling Qing Qin in Bengbu, Anhui province.  I write as much down as I can, in my “oh wow, this is really happening” shaky handwriting.  She asks if we want to see her file and I say “yes, definitely!”  I tell her that I’m going to try and NOT get a ticket speeding home to see the file and she makes me promise to do just that!  I thank her profusely, and hang up.  Immediately, the kids and I let out a few yells and screams of happiness, and then I call Randy.  Quick small talk and then I tell him “We got the CALL!!!!!!”  I tell him the basics and ask him WHEN he can get home so we can see the file.  He leaves right then and we’re racing to see who gets home first.  Okay, not racing since I did promise Deniece I wouldn’t.  I’m sure I had this silly smile on my face all the way home.  The kids and I talked about her a mile a minute, all anxious to get home.    

I get home first, and call Randy to see where he is.  I wanted to look at the medical information and he forbids me to until he arrive home!!  Thankfully, it was only maybe 10 (long) minutes.  We all gathered around the computer to read her medical information.  All sounds good, no red flags, standard cleft lip/palate that can be corrected, small hemangioma that most likely won’t need any intervention.  The reading takes a while and the kids wander off to do other things. 

By the time we’re done, it’s just Randy and I and we look at each other.  We decide that this is, indeed, our girl and we’re ready to see her.  Those moments waiting for her picture to pop up were so long…first we saw her “mug shot”.  Adorable…her slight little pouty face and beautiful eyes, big round cheeks, dark brown hair.  She’s wearing what looks like a girl’s shirt with a boy’s orange/brown sweater.  Next picture, she’s in a walker and has the slightest smile with an open mouth, and wearing a red velour one-piece.  Next, she’s in the same outfit, riding a yellow plastic horse.  She looks a little anxious in this one, like she’d rather the person taking the picture be beside her.  There are also two close-up pictures.  One of her full face, with someone behind her (I assume holding her up to the camera), and another with just her lip.  It looks like a good repair, from what we can tell. 

Sometime during all this, the kids run back to the computer and see the pictures, everybody oohing and ahhing and saying how cute she is.  They ask…is this Lainey?  We tell them yes, this is your little sister.  The kids are happy, all smiles and excitement.  Ethan comes up to me and gives me a long, tight hug.  I wonder if he’ll ever let go and when he does, I see tears in his eyes.  Talk about melting my heart…my baby, happy that he can now be a big brother. 

We spend time researching her province and orphanage and then decide to go out to dinner.  We end up at Jackie Lee’s Chinese Bistro and have a nice Chinese meal in celebration of our little girl.  At the end of the meal, we all get fortune cookies.  The best one says this:  “The joyful energy of the day will have a positive effect on you”.  What an understatement.  We’re overjoyed and over the moon for our Ling Qing Qin, our Lainey. 

Here are more pics from our morning…

Look closely to see the scrape on her nose that she got last night…she fell in the truck and her face met the console.  Randy said it gives her character. 

Randy and Jon…two very goofy good friends. 

Our boys with their great friend, Zach…they were headed to his house today after church. 

Lainey surprises Zach’s sister, Kate, with a “squeeze”. 

Marley restrains…I mean holds Lainey. 

8 Responses to “Special Day Times Two”

  1. trclark294 Says:

    Great day and pictures -and a fun trip down memory lane!!
    AJ had his stitches just a few days before his dedicarion – must be a prerequisite!

  2. GramStegall Says:

    I remember it well !! When I finally got to see Lainey for the first time, I just sat here and cried. I spent hours going over pictures of/at the Bengbu sites trying to see if I could spot Lainey in any pictures. I wanted to see where she was… anything and everything about the orphanage. I immediately printed two pictures of each picture of Lainey. One of each to put on my computer so I could see it all the time and another picture of each to take with me to show EVERYBODY. I think everybody in Raleigh and Wake Forest was told about Lainey. The time from November 16th to March seemed like forever. Yet Lainey seems a part of our lives for much longer. I think that is a testament to you and how you write almost every day letting me share in your and Randy’s family. Thank you for that. Not being able to visit and see you all but a few times a year is sometimes very hard for me to handle. I love you all.

  3. kristin Says:

    What a great post! I don’t know if I remember reading about your referral call or not. But it made me cry tonight. :-)

    A very special day, indeed. You are truly blessed.

  4. Janet T. Says:

    Love that last pictures of the Laine-ster.

    As for the call. Sigh. Makes me cry. SOOO beautiful!

  5. Derek and Julie Says:

    Thank you for letting us share in your beautiful and wonderful memories! How precious all your children are! It is so neat to see how excited they were and are about their little sister. =)

  6. Melinda Says:

    I remember your post about the call very well on the CCAIWC board! I remember you being in the Office Depot parking lot when you received your call. How funny that I remembered that!

    Congratulations on two VERY special days!

  7. Askews Says:

    Congratulations! Even though I haven’t posted about our day yet, I knew you would have and wanted to see pictures :) Lainey is SOOOOO adorable. Her personality just comes through in pictures. I love your story about “the call”. I don’t know if I ever heard the details… What a great way to celebrate your special day.

  8. Anne Says:

    I got the shakes all over again reading the story of THE CALL. How thrilling and how amazing that it is still THRILLING. To think that now we see what only God knew at her birth. HOW COOL IS THAT???? Cute outfit- I love the Scotty dogs – only I would notice the dogs, huh? Love you, me

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