Sweet and Soggy

Author: Donna  |  Category: Holidays

Sweet because the kids got lots of candy…soggy because it misted, then sprinkled, and then rained on us!  Thankfully, we were still able to stay out for a long time and enjoy the the night.  This neighborhood has TONS of kids, and the streets were filled, bad weather and all. 

No pictures of us out and about (didn’t want to risk the camera getting soaked), but here are the ones we took before heading out.  The pictures aren’t great quality, not sure what was going on with the lighting tonight. 

Here they are, in all their splendor.  Who/what are they?  I’ll go into detail…

No brainer…Abbey is a ladybug! 

I’m betting you can’t guess this one, though.  Marley wanted to be dressed all in black and put a big reflective question mark on her shirt.  She’s a “What”.  She liked when people asked her WHAT she was…she answered… “exactly”.

Payton loves masks.  He added his afro wig that he got for his birthday (yes, he asked for it) and voila…he’s a mad scientist hippie.  heh heh…

The musician of the family, EJ, is Slash from Guitar Hero.  Rock on, dude. 

And, we round out the ladybug category with a smaller version…Lainey.  She had no trouble getting into the swing of the night, loved being strolled up to the door and spent much time perusing the offerings, taking her time to choose JUST the right piece.  She even waved off one lady handing her candy, motioning instead to see what else was in the basket she was holding.  She’s a 2 year old with opinions…yikes!  She tried a bite of Kit Kat, Reese’s Cup, and a few Smarties.   

Nice pumpkin on the right.  We called it the Florida pumpkin…sunglasses, baseball cap, and flip flops (hard to see, it’s sitting on them).  Not so fortunate pumpkin on the left…called “Shop accident”.  Ouch. 

Our crew, plus our kids’ friends Emily and Julianna and their friend Carrie.  Pirate, Jags football player, and rapper (I think that’s what she was!?)

Critical time of the night…making trades.  Think Wall Street on a slightly smaller scale. 

Now that tonight has come and gone, I know that the Christmas rush is going to be ramped up big time.  I’m preparing to see all those orange and black aisles replaced with red and green…probably tomorrow.  Why do I already feel like I’m behind?? 

4 Responses to “Sweet and Soggy”

  1. kristin Says:

    Love, love, love the costumes!! How creative!

    The pumpkins are too cute. I need to start thinking about next year. :-)

    The picture of all the kids sorting through their candy and making trades cracked me up. I remember doing that as a kid too. We aren’t quite there yet with the little ones but expect it to happen in a few years.

    Happy Saturday!

  2. specialk4b Says:

    Oh, what perfect costumes for each kid. I love how they show their personalities. I can just hear Marley saying, “exactly!”

  3. Teresa Says:

    Wow…you have one creative group in that house!! Marley seems like a crack-up! That picture of “the trades” took me right back to my childhood…we used to do the SAME thing!!!


    Teresa =)

  4. GramStegall Says:

    What great pictures !!! I loved all the costumes and the originality in each one showing their personality. I wondered if Lainey would “get into” Halloween or be afraid of the costumes. She made me smile when I saw her cute little lady bug costume. The scene in your den with them all exchanging candy reminds me of Easter here with all the egss being exchanged back and forth. Great memories !!!

    p.s. at the wedding today, the ladybugs were flying everywhere and landing even on the bride and groom which had us all laughing. I told them how ladybugs mean luck and love.

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