Weird Things

Author: Donna  |  Category: Tags

I’ve been tagged by my wonderful cyber friend, Teresa!  Look on my sidebar, under CCAI-WC and both of her blogs are at the bottom…Teresa and her family adopted Carson from China about a year ago and they’re not done yet!  Little Molly will be joining their family next…that makes 3 for them, with big sister Meggie.  Check out her Teresa – Molly blog!  She’s a hoot, and one of those cyber friends that I truly hope to meet one day :)

Now, back to the tag.  I’m supposed to list 7 weird things about me…tag 7 other people to do the same…and let them know they’ve been tagged.  Here goes…

I have the honor of saying that I attended a Village People concert.  I was 12, and went with my “boyfriend” and his big sister.  I remember seeing two men who looked like they were very good friends, but didn’t think too much of it.  Naïve…

I’m obsessed with cleaning my ears.  I use a Q-tip once or twice a day.  I must have the cleanest ears in town.

I love Snickers candy bars.  That’s not the weird part…it’s the way I eat them.  I bite off all 4 edges of chocolate, and then bite off the end.  Repeat until it’s all gone.  I started doing this with a friend in high school, we thought we were cool.  Wonder if she still eats them that way?

I was born with a self-repaired cleft lip.  Let me explain…there is a scar above my lip that looks like a lip repair, but it’s always been that way.  My nose is also slightly crooked, especially if you look under it above the scar.  The doctors told my parents that what would have been a cleft lip (called a hare lip, back then) fixed itself in utero.  I could have had it removed/fixed by a plastic surgeon, but never saw the need for it.  And, to think, I now have a child with a real cleft lip repair. :)

I’m a 70′s music junkie.  I LOVE it all and can sing right along.  Our truck has XM radio and there is a station devoted to ONLY 70′s music.  Woo hoo!  I know my kids think this makes me majorly weird.

I love to read, and if I had the time would go through books like mad.  But, time I don’t have, so I end up starting books and then have a hard time getting back to them.  At the moment, I have 3 started and another in the wings.  I need some extra time, people!

I can NOT sit still and do nothing.  If I’m waiting, say for my daughter at gymnastics or son at baseball, I always have something to do or read.  I’m a huge list maker, so at the very least I’ll find a piece of scrap paper in my purse and start a list of things to do/buy/send, etc.  I hate wasted time.

Now you know my weirdness…impressed?  I’m now supposed to link to the 7 tagged people, but sadly I don’t know how to do that.  So, I’ll just choose 7 gals from my Ladybug Believers blogs on the sidebar…you can click on their blogs from there!

Angie – Janet – Erin – Kelly S – Melinda – Rebecca – Ruth :o)

4 Responses to “Weird Things”

  1. GramStegall Says:

    Wow !! Didn’t know my son had married such a “weird” person. :)

    I eat Milky Ways the same way you eat Snickers… from the outside (all the chocolate) to the inside. Paul thinks I am weird doing it this way.

    I, too, am a list maker. From little lists for each day to huge lists for holidays (pages long), the menu, etc. I am bad about adding things I do that aren’t on the list to the list. Hey, it just shows me that I have accomplished more.

    I’m glad I have you for my daughter-in-law… even if you are a little weird.

  2. Wendy Says:

    I think we must be related!! I am a huge list maker, but I rarely use them. Ditto on the Q-tip obsession!! Daily!! I find it soothing too. :) I love 70’s music and can sing right along, but that is my era!! Reading is my favorite pastime, but I too have several books sitting half read,:(

  3. radicchi Says:

    I finally played along, but had to rebel a bit…

    I am in constant motion as well. I NEVER sit still!

  4. Teresa Says:

    Glad you finally played the “tag” game…your answers cracked me up! And thanks for the sweet things you said about me…the next time we head to Destin, we WILL be visiting you guys!!!

    Teresa =)

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