Extreme Excursion!

Author: Donna  |  Category: Trips / Vacations

No, those aren’t “My name is” stickers on their shirts…they’re part OF the shirt.  Classy. 

Extreme Excursion is a Jr. High weekend retreat that our church does annually.  Randy works with the Jr. High 8th grade boys, and so he went along as a cabin leader/counselor.  They left Friday afternoon and returned to the church last night for the wrap-up banquet with all the kids and parents.  They had a wonderful time of worship, quiet time, small group discussion, and outrageous games.  Ever played “spit the skittles out of the whipped cream pie”?  Ever try to see how many lifesavers you can lick and stick to your face?  Me either. 

Abbey went to EE for her first time last year, before Dad was involved with the Jr. High.  She was happy that he could join in on the fun this time around.  Randy was exhausted when they got home, and fairly well beat up!  Bruises all over his arms and sore legs.  The kids play HARD and for some reason Randy is right in the thick of it.  I know I’ve said it before…in his mind, Randy is still IN Jr. High. 

So, after putting some sunburn gel on Abbey and handing Randy the ibuprofen, they were both ready for bed.  :)


4 Responses to “Extreme Excursion!”

  1. kristin Says:

    How fun for both daddy and daughter!! Dave and I were part of our high school youth team for a few years. It was fun and pretty enlightening. I’m hoping to get back into it again soon.

  2. Janet T. Says:

    I think it looks great. What a good experience for a dad and his girl!

  3. specialk4b Says:

    Micah took one look at the first picture and screamed Abbey! He misses the kids and prays for each of them by name every night (though Marley and Abbey usually get two prayers).

  4. fourgrands Says:

    No, I really don’t remember ever playing those games about the skittles and life savers…!!! GOOD picture of Abbey & Randy, but the LAST one makes me feel exhausted!! I can see the sunburn on Abbey’s face…poor baby!! I hope she and her dad have gotten plenty of rest and are both feeling much better! We think it’s great that Dad and daughter had such a wonderful time this past weekend…it’s something they’ll always remember! The shirts are pretty COOL, too!! Love you guys, Mom & Dad

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