Six Months

Author: Donna  |  Category: Gotcha anniversary

SIX months!  Half a year, baby!  Here are her other Gotcha anniversary pics…

Five Months

Four Months

Three Months

Two Months

One Month

Gotcha Day

Care for a little Lainey overload?  Here are some favorite pictures taken recently:

Taken today…can you say goofy??

It got quiet (which means Lainey is getting into something…) so I went to look for her and she came walking down the hall wearing these.  A pair of my OLD glasses!  She loves eye wear of any kind, no matter how ugly. 

She loves her books, as long as you don’t spend too much time READING the pages.  See how long her hair is! 

Someone is excited to be in the rocking chair! 

I love her delicate eye lashes. 

8 Responses to “Six Months”

  1. radicchi Says:

    Lainey overload? Never! Keep the pictures coming.

  2. Derek and Julie Says:

    THANKS for all the pictures!!! We TOTALLY enjoy seeing her grow and shine. You have a beautiful daughter!

  3. adixon Says:

    Happy 6 month gotcha day, Lainey! Now you should ask your mom for a cake ;o)

  4. specialk4b Says:

    I’m always up for Lainey overload. She’s just so sweet. Can’t wait to see her in person again!

  5. jori Says:

    Half a year already! Time flies once the adoption is final, right?

    And I love those little eyelashes, too. How sweet!

  6. fourgrands Says:

    Yesterday, some of the girls and I at work were looking at these pictures and laughing at what a “clown” Lainey turned out to be!! HAPPY 6 MONTHS, Lainey…we love the “Lainey overloads”! Favorites are “goofy” in the pink car, laughing in the rocking chair and the delicate eyelashes! (Also the eye glasses…I guessed that they were your old pair!!) Comparing “Gotcha day and today is totally amazing…how she has changed!!! She is such a happy and content toddler thanks to you guys (all 6 of you)!!! Love ya, Mom

  7. karmen65 Says:

    I LOVE the photos!!!! And I don’t think it’s possible to have Lainey overload — she is just precious!!! I do note a remarkable change in her smile and the look in her eyes from Gotcha Day to now — she is obviously responding well to her new home!


  8. jessica Says:

    I can’t believe it is 6 months already Donna! Lainey is adorable and I love the pictures!!


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