Five Months

Author: Donna  |  Category: Gotcha anniversary

Taken today, 5 months since Gotcha day! 

Family and friends back in NC will appreciate this :)  Our friend Brandy ordered this adorable bib for Lainey…for those of you confused, Randy went to NC State University (red/black) and I went to UNC-Chapel Hill (blue/white).  They are rival colleges, so hence our divided house.  However, I now pull for NCSU (gasp) since it means so much more to him who wins than it does to me!   

5 Responses to “Five Months”

  1. Laurie Says:

    Oh yes, this Tarheel LOVES the bib. It’s adorable! :-)

  2. GramStegall Says:

    Just so ALL kids are raised to be “wolfpackers” we are okay.

    5 months!! Isn’t it amazing how much Lainey has changed in these months? The joy and trust that shines from that cute face is great.

  3. fourgrands Says:

    I see Lainey is joined by her tigers! How cute she looks in her striped dress! I already saw the clever bib, so…GO ‘HEELS!!!! Wow, 5 months have literally flown by…seems like yesterday that we greeted you 3 at almost 3AM on Sat., March 1st! I look at those pictures I took and realize that she’s already changed! Lots of love to you, Lainey Bug on your 5-month anniversary! Granma & Granpa

  4. Randy Says:

    One recruit at a time, people . . . that’s all I can do.

  5. Janet T. Says:

    She is SOOOO adorable! And I LOVE the hermit crab, BTW.

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