Lainey, our terrific two year old!

Author: Donna  |  Category: Update Lainey

TWO hairbows!  We’re still struggling with “Miss Grabby Hands” – as we like to call her – snatching them out of her hair in the blink of an eye. 

It’s been a while since I’ve done a “what Lainey can do now” kind of post.  And, since we now have an official two year old in the house, I figured this would be a good time.  At her 2nd well check-up, here are her stats:

  • weight: 27.9 lbs. 65th percentile, American chart; 95th percentile, Chinese chart (about 1lb. less than Abbey at 2yrs.)
  • height:  34.5 ” 70th percentile, American chart; 85th percentile, Chinese chart (same height as Marley at 2yrs.)
  • head circumference:  19″ 69th percentile, American chart

Signs she uses regularly –

  • more, eat, all done, shoes, want, drink, milk, bird, book, mama, daddy, Abbey, Payton (we’re working on Marley and Ethan), Lainey, please, ball, light, go (which, means anything with wheels, like her cozy coupe), balloon, dirty, and fish.  Swim in a new sign that she’s learning. 

Words she’s saying  –

  • eye, mama, daddy (rhymes with mama – yaya), no (not the “n”, but just an “o” sound), more (sounds like “mu”), yes (“eh”), and bye (sounds like “my”)

What else is she doing?

  • she can point to named objects in a book when we say, for example, where is the dog?
  • she can follow commands, like go get your shoes or throw the diaper away
  • she says “mama” when she wants me to pick her up.
  • she growls (which sounds like she’s clearing her throat!) when she wants her tiger stuffed animal.
  • she can say what a dog (she pants), kitty, and monkey says.
  • she still loves all kinds of food.
  • she loves playing with her stuffed animals…favorites now are tiger, baby tiger, puppy, and lion.
  • she still climbs anything and everything…anything resembling a step stool (pack of water bottles, wipes box) becomes one. 
  • she loves books, although rarely has the attention span for us to read one to her. 
  • She now will take you by the hand, and pull you to where she wants to go/what she wants if she can’t get it across to you in signs or speech. 
  • She still sleeps like a dream…in bed around 8:30 and up around 7:30.  Nap is still usually 2 hours. 
  • She LOVES the pool and has zero fear.  A good and potentially bad thing, so we plan to teach her to swim soon! 
  • she learned how to hold her own nose and blow raspberries…very ladylike, don’t you think?

We brought back a lot of these crackers that she loved in China, and she still loves them.  Let me tell you, they’re icky.  Very salty and strong tasting! 

Now for the bad news.  A week ago Sunday, we looked in Lainey’s mouth and saw a hole in her palate.  We have no idea how it got there, or how long it’s been there.  So, she’ll have to undergo another surgery sometime in the next 6 months – 1 year to close it.  They want to make sure that she is totally healed from the first surgery.  We were very bummed about this to begin with, but we always knew there was a chance that a fistula would develop.  We’ve heard that they are more common in older children, 2 and up also.  So, we’ll deal with this bump in the road and obviously do whatever is needed.  She’s worth the trouble :) 

A couple of random pictures…this was taken the night before they turned 10.  It’s a tradition that I take the kid’s pictures on the night before their birthday. 

A while ago, Gram and Pa-Paul sent a huge box of goodies…here the kids are going through all the loot.  They loved it! 

5 Responses to “Lainey, our terrific two year old!”

  1. Janet T. Says:

    Can I just say how UNFAIR it is that she naps for TWO HOURS! What is UPPPPP with that? Jeanie wouldn’t even take ANY nap today! AAAHHHHH!!!!!! where’s the tea break in my day if they won’t nap, I ask you…..

    but enough about me. Lainey’s a doll. ANd your other kids? Just naturally, absolutely adorable.

    And a whole BOX of loot from Grandma? SCORE!!!!

  2. Askews Says:

    Lainey is adorable with the 2 head bows! I am sorry to hear about the hole found on her palate… Wouldn’t it be great if God just healed it so you wouldn’t have to get surgery again? Maybe I will secretly pray that :) He can move mountains, right? That is wonderful that she knows all those signs and words! She must have a really, really awesome mom, dad and siblings :)


  3. Anne Says:

    WOW- she is smart as a whip, isn’t she? So glad that she has the “Clark smarts”. Wasn’t she supposed to have another surgery on her HARD palate anyway? So this is a hole in the soft palate (the surgery you just went through?) Bummer, total bummer. But you know, this time she’ll know a little more of what to expect and you’ll know too- and the “no nos” won’t be such an issue. Do you want me to go with you for her consultation with Dr. Glassman? I am SURE HE REMEMBERS ME. Hee hee. Gosh, Marley in particular looks so much OLDER. I guess I always think of other people’s kids the way they were when I met them, and I just looked carefully at her and she’s so lovely and so older looking. When are you coming to the beach? You need to sign up for a day. Your kids will be pleased to know that they were on the top of the list for “who do you want to come to the beach”. I told you Matthew and E won’t be there this year – so sad. What time is your power up club? (Not yours, but the one the kids go to?) Ok, love you- give Miss Smarty Clark a kiss from Auntie Anne.

  4. specialk4b Says:

    I’m so sorry about the fistula. We’re praying that it will heal on its own.

  5. GramStegall Says:

    I had been wanting an update on what she is doing now. Would love to see it in person, but your good update is the next best thing.

    When did she start saying “mama”? I know you were thrilled with that. As for percentiles since we didn’t use them when my boys were little – I just know that Lainey is perfect. She is so smart, but then she has all her siblings as teachers and picks up so much from them.

    Yes, I hope you all get her swimming lessons soon. I am so glad she loves the water though as all of you do so she “fits” right in.

    Hopefully, you will find out tomorrow about the fistula and what the doctors want to do. I pray that God will just take care of that so Lainey won’t have to go back for another surgery. Since she has the fistula can she still go in the water, etc.??

    Thanks for the picture of my grands opening their “goody box”. Looking at the picture shows me how much they loved getting it. Can’t wait to show the picture to Paul as he helps get stuff for it too.

    Love the pigtails !!! As for the raspberries – it could be worse.

    Love you all.

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