Kids just wanna have fun

Author: Donna  |  Category: Uncategorized

Randy has great memories of playing in forts as a kid.  His mom would help him and his big brother, Tony make elaborate forts complete with tunnels and rooms.  So, Randy and the big kids had their own fort building time and the kids slept in it last night.  Well, Abbey lasted almost all night, she got hot and went to her own bed. 

Here’s a good shot of it, with Payton cleverly showing us the front door.  There was a back exit too, and even a room that included the TV so they could watch a movie.  Major dad points! 

Lainey missed out on fort-building night, she had already hit the sack :)  Here she is showing the face she makes when we tell her to smile.  We might need to work on that a little. 

She’s still healing very well, no problems.  It’s been 4 weeks now and her next (and, hopefully last) post-op appt. is Thursday morning.  We found out this weekend that she does indeed know who we all are.  We spread out in the family room and Randy asked her “where’s Payton?”, “where’s Marley?”, etc. and she got it all right!  She also has another purposeful word now, other than pointing to her eye and saying it.  She’ll now approximate the word “more” rather than just signing it.  It comes out more like a “mo”, but we’ll take it. 

Now, that’s a better smile!  Wonder what we said to her that time?  As you can tell, it’s crunch time on the bangs or no bangs decision!  We’re pretty sure we’re going with no bangs, so I need to get a LOT of cheap hair clips/elastics since I anticipate losing them as quickly as I put them in. 

7 Responses to “Kids just wanna have fun”

  1. Janet T. Says:

    Her “smile face” made ME smile. Too funny! I used to make forts all the time when I was a kid. My kids do it too. It must be in the genes.

  2. GramStegall Says:

    The fort pictures took me back to such wonderful memories when I would spend time with Randy and Tony building the forts. They had bunk beds and we would use them and card tables and chairs, covering everything with sheets/blankets. We would have picnics in the forts. One of our favorite things was a “Close & Play” record player. We would spend hours listening to records, singing along with them. I would read books to them while we ate cold graham cracker & confectionary sugar cream cookies I had made. (these were cheaper than store bought cookies)I looked forward to rainy days spent inside like this. (now I am crying as it just seems such a short time ago) Other mothers thought I was crazy as I loved it when the boys weren’t in school, but home with me.

    I am so glad that Randy remembers those days and has passed this “God memory” down to my grands. We didn’t have a lot, but I tried to make their lives fun and filled with love.

    Does Randy remember how I made them up to be indians??

    Whatever way Lainey smiles is okay with me. Am loving to hear her saying more words now. Can’t wait for her to say her first “mommy or daddy.”

  3. fourgrands Says:

    When we were at your house with the kids (while you were in China), Abbey & Marley made a fort in Marley’s bedroom. Jack was a participant, even tho’ he didn’t volunteer, and he slept some in the fort. It took up most of the bedroom…they had fun!

    I love the story of Lainey knowing each of you…that’s so special!!! And now she’s starting to say words instead of signing…way to go, Lainey Bug!!

    Love the picture of her winking holding her white tiger!!

    We’ll see you guys in a little over a week!! Can’t wait to get all of those hugs!!! Love, Mom

  4. radicchi Says:

    My sis and I used to do that all the time. So fun.

    Love the little smiles!

  5. Wendy Says:

    Ok, first the forts!! Love to build forts and camp out. :) When I was old enought, maybe 12, my friends and I would take all the biggest blankets and sheets out in the yard and build the best tents over mom’s clothesline!! We even had doors between them. We had such fun!! :)

    The bangs…I know the feeling. We have let Emma’s bangs grow out until we could hardly see her eyes several times and then I just give up and SNIP they are gone. :) She takes all the bows out!! She is now liking the headbands so we might try again!! Have fun!!

    Glad to hear that she is experimenting with her words more now!! She will be talking up a storm before you know it!!


  6. Teresa Says:

    Donna —

    Love the forts. Meggie and Carson build ’em ALL the time, although not as elaborate as yours I must say. I love Lainey’s “scrunchy smile face”…looks like she’s winking at us!!

    Your kids are so stinkin’ adorable…you are one blessed Mama!!

    Teresa =)

  7. Anne Says:

    I LIKE HER SMILE JUST THE WAY IT IS!!! It’s like a great big wink. :)

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