4 Months

Author: Donna  |  Category: Gotcha anniversary

My favorite Gotcha day picture…this was soon after we arrived at the hotel.  We had taken off her coat, and were trying to interact with her on the bed.  Her little tightly clamped lips speak volumes, I think. 

This is today, 4 months later.  Her hair is getting so long, it’s getting down right unruly!  We usually try and keep it up in a tiny pony tail on top, or with a clip off to the side.  We’re in major “hairbow training” right now…she jerks it out, I put it back, she jerks it out…get it?  We’re not doing the bang thing, so she’s either gonna have to get used to them or get used to seeing through hair.  :) 


8 Responses to “4 Months”

  1. Askews Says:

    Happy 4 months! I can’t believe it’s been 4 months already! Lainey looks so different than that first picture. Blessings on the hairbow training!


  2. GramStegall Says:

    The difference is amazing !!! From fear and distrust to trust and love… that is the volumes between the two pictures.

  3. radicchi Says:

    What a change!

    We are doing the no bang thing too (much to my mother’s shagrin), so we just started with bows and clips.

  4. erin Says:

    The site looks great. Sorry about the rain…what a bummer. Glad to have you back. I needed my “Clark Fix”.
    erin sakryd

  5. fourgrands Says:

    From a scared adorable little girl to a much trusting adorable, beautiful, smart Lainey Bug!!
    These months since we came back from Florida when we first saw our new grand daughter have really flown by!! Soon it will be her 2nd birthday and we’ll be back down there to get 5 big hugs from our favorite 5 kids in the whole world!!

    We have problems with our toddler little girls who aren’t quite 2 yet…the hair bows! As cute as they look, they yank ’em out everytime!! I think they get better once they’re in their 2’s..?? The website is great and lots more than you had before! Love, Mom

  6. Anne Says:

    Well I finally got on here, Donna. I just have to remember how I did it- Ha. She is so stinking precious. What a testimony to God’s grace!!! I LOVE THAT LITTLE GIRL. I hope one day she loves me too. Anne

  7. kristin Says:

    I wish I had your willpower to go with the “no bangs”. I get fed up after a while and just have to cut the girls hair!

    I like your new site! So sorry to hear about the rain in the house. But how great is it that the kids were so helpful in trying to catch the water?? I think, at times, that my big kids would have just sat and watched it rain. Chalk it up to the teen years. Perhaps there’s hope for the twenties!

  8. Janet T. Says:

    LOVE the new look! LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!!!!!

    And love Lainey. What a DOLL!

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