This and That

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

No real “theme” for this post, just tid bits on what we’ve been up to. Since Lainey can’t get in the pool, we ran the sprinklers for the kids to enjoy. She wasn’t quite sure what it was, kinda just stood there and let the water spray her face. Abbey and Marley tried to show her the “ropes” of sprinkler fun!

Lainey has a new best friend…a white tiger. She swiped him from Abbey’s huge stuffed animal collection and there’s no sign she’s giving him back anytime soon. Tiger HAS to be there at nap/bedtime, HAS to ride with us in the truck (though, she’s fine to let him nap when we get where we’re going), and she HAS to hold him when I hold her.

A few pics I took while we all hung out in the driveway yesterday…

It can’t be summer without?some time sitting in the grass, doing hand rhymes.

Good defense, Payton!? Yes, that’s a big dumpster in our driveway. We’re having a new roof installed.? It’s been miserably dry here for weeks and weeks, hardly any rain to speak of. So, what did it do today?

Torrential rain, buckets and buckets. It rained for literally hours, with lots and lots of wind (see the roofers broom that blew off the roof and into the pool?). Randy saw them trying to put a tarp down and the wind nearly carried one of the men off…yikes. Funny thing is, when we got the roof job scheduled, Randy said THAT was when the rain would come. The roofers might not have appreciated it, but I know our grass did.

Tomorrow is our last day of regular school, and I promised the kids a trip to TCBY (yum). Thursday, Lainey has her 2-week post-op appt with the surgeon and we’re really hoping that she can take off those no-nos. I guess we’ll fine out then :)

8 Responses to “This and That”

  1. radicchi Says:

    There is nothing like sprinkler fun!

  2. Derek and Julie Says:

    Your pictures look great. Lainey looks especially content with that white tiger–great pictures. =)

    We had a new roof put on about a month ago, and I am still picking up nails from the grass and sidewalk! I found 29 yesterday morning! (We bought a large magnet from Home Depot and keep going over the grass. Even more nails show up after rain, because some of them have been caught in the gutters.) Oh, well.

    Congratulations on the last full day of school! TCBY sounds like an excellent reward! =)

  3. specialk4b Says:

    Great pictures! I’m so glad no-no time is almost at an end. Lainey looks like she’s doing great.

  4. fourgrands Says:

    It looks like little Lainey Bug would rather be in the pool…sprinklers just don’t get the full effect of splashing!! How adorable is that photo of Abbey & Lainey with the white tiger…Abbey, it’s so nice of you to let your little sis have your white tiger, and I’m SURE he has a name, just like all of your other animals!

    Randy, we needed your “special talent” of bringing RAIN here in NC months ago!! How scarey that the guy almost fell off your roof…!

    Bring on SUMMER…no more school…whoooo hooooo!! Swim in the pool, go out on the boat, tubing, beach, TCBY, BIRTHDAY PARTIES, look for Granma & Granpa to come soon (!!) walk Jack up the street, ETC.!! You guys have fun and be SAFE!! Love ya, Granma & Granpa

  5. GramStegall Says:

    Love the sprinkler pictures. Brings back memories of Randy & Tony playing in ours so many times. (we didn’t have pools to go in) Also, Abbey & Marley playing “hand games”. I am proud of the way you all lead your kids into playing with their imaginations rather than always in front of a TV or computer.

    Yea tomorrow !! Let me know what the doctor says as soons as you all get through there.

    Lainey is such a clown… she brings joy to hearts.

  6. Tricia Stringer Says:

    I am curious about you guys. You look soooo familiar like I have met you before. Your older daughters look very familiar. Could you email me so I can find out where I know you from?
    I found your blog from one of our many adoption yahoo groups. We are in the wait for a daughter.

    Thank you,
    Tricia Stringer

  7. Janet T. Says:

    What’s TCBY? The dentist? LOL!

    Love the pictures! Especially the hand rhyme one. That’s a keeper!!!

  8. Anne Says:

    Thank you Jesus for homeowner’s insurance. So glad that Lainey picked something of Abbey’s – that must make her feel special. Gotta love the excess of stuffed animals and webkins and beanie babies and………………. I need to take some to the cancer kids at the hospital soon- God keeps bugging me about that. Thanks for your support of Pica’s surgery. Love you. 4th of July??? Hello????????????????????????? Birthday present requests for everyone, please, darling?

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