I got my wish…

Author: donna  |  Category: Family

Or rather, God heard my desire and decided to let it SNOW!

It started snowing Tuesday morning, and kept on till Thursday afternoon, with a few hours of sleet in between.

I know some people hate snow.  I can understand getting tired of it, if you live where you’re buried in snow all winter.

I love living in NC, where we have all 4 seasons…

We might get a snowfall or two, but it’s usually gone in a day.  Course, I’m writing this on Saturday, and it’s still pretty white out there.

I’m also thankful for a husband who was able to bump up his flight home, so he wasn’t stuck in Florida.

Thursday afternoon was our family Snow Day…even Randy joined in.  See above?  The boys dreamed that up.  A snow “thing” that apparently was hungry for a certain boy named Dylan.

How to get him out?  Push it over, of course.


Abbey’s version of Olaf :)

We live on about 19 acres, and our driveway is long, downhill, and winds around our shop building in the back.  Randy had the grand idea to tie our 2 person kayak to the back of his landcruiser and take us “sledding” up and down.


After kayaking, we took the sleds to the hill behind our shop.

Pelted with a snowball, right before she went…

Dylan watches as Lainey goes down, head first!

Yes, I’m bundled up to the point of embarrassment.

Marley and Payton, racing…

It’s never dull with Payton around.

EJ and Dylan’s turn to race

Notice Dylan started out on the right…as they went down, he crossed in front of Ethan and ended up crashing on the right.

I’m so thankful we had our deep snow for the season!  If we get more, that’ll just be frosting on the cake.  Get it?  FROSTing…


It was the best snow day…ever.

2 Responses to “I got my wish…”

  1. Mom West Says:

    First of all, “I’m bundled up to the point of embarrassment” made us laugh!! The pictures of it actually snowing are beautiful and would have made an awesome video…that you could have saved to watch in July! The “Snow Thing” is funny…and the big snowman wearing the black hat is a work of art…I don’t believe I’ve seen a better one!! Way to go, guys!! (And yes, I recognized the Steeler scarf from us a few Christmases ago…nice touch!!)

    I think the Mooresville Clarks made the most of the recent snow…snowmen, being pulled in a kayak, sledding, etc. Payton…you are just toooo funny!! And Donna…FROSTing??!! HA!! You could have gone all day without that! HA HA!!!

    When you say “It was the best snow day…ever” we BELIEVE you!! Now, when spring gradually arrives, you can face it knowing that you all did it up right in the snow of 2014!!

  2. Gram Says:

    Loved the beautiful pictures of you all in the snow. It looked great … but cold. I think you all had more than we did. Isn’t it nice to have your own built-in sledding hill?

    I loved the snowman (looked as good as the one in Jack Frost-the movie) and laughed at the ‘thing’ that ate Dylan. I remember the first year he was here that he didn’t like the snow/cold at all. Glad he is now an official Clark and loves it all.

    As for Payton… blame it on Randy and PaPa. LOL

    Even with all the extra clothes on… you still are wayyyyy little.

    I am thankful that you all are back in NC… where you belong. love you

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