Blessed beyond measure…

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

One happy Momma on Mother’s Day! Our day in a nutshell…went to church with the kids while Randy was in the air, on his way back from CA. We arrived home and there he was! The kids received presents from Dad’s trip, and I got a beautiful new watch! Lunch out at the Times Grill (yum), a couple of errands including chocolate milkshakes (double yum), and back home for yardwork and swimming. A wonderful day!

More pictures tomorrow…including some of a certain someone who took her first dip in the pool today. ;)

Happy Mother’s Day to the ladies who have their children today, and to those who are staring at the pictures of their little ones, so far away, anxious to have him/her in their arms. And, especially, to those still waiting. I’ve been there, both with my bio kids and with Lainey. Your wait will end, and you will be a mom. I look forward to the day when I can rejoice with you! Hugs…

7 Responses to “Blessed beyond measure…”

  1. trclark294 Says:

    Beautiful picture, beautiful family!!! So glad you had a lovely Mother’s day!!!

  2. amyschristopher Says:

    What a fun day. That is a beautiful picture!

  3. acfm85 Says:

    Absolutely love the picture. Glad you all had a great Mother’s Day together!!

  4. GramStegall Says:

    I never would have imagined that when Randy brought this pretty little bitty picky eater to my house the first time.. I would see a picture of of her with 5 of my wonderful grandchildren calling her “Mom.” I think it was probably harder to imagine Randy ever “growing up” enough to be the Daddy to 5. LOL

    But here I am the Mother of two wonderful sons and the grandmother of 11 !!!! Gods blessings are truly great (and sometimes unexpected).

    The picture of you and the kids is so good. Can’t wait to see Lainey in the pool.

  5. Melinda Says:

    What a beautiful picture of you and the kids! Happy Mother’s Day Donna!

  6. fourgrands Says:

    Oh, no doubt about THIS photo…we’d love a print! It is so good!!!! Glad that Randy got home in time to spend a Mothers Day afternoon with his beautiful family…we also can’t wait to see Lainey in the pool for the 1st time!!! I’ll bet that was a hoot!!

    Abbey is getting more and more beautiful each day…and growing way too fast. It seems like yesterday that she was telling Granpa at Ryan’s “don’t forget the gummy bears, Granpa!!” on her ice cream. She’d cover her eyes and then she’d act surprised when he brought it to her!! What fun that was!! Love, Mom

  7. Teresa Says:

    Donna –

    What an awesome picture of you and the kids…get that one in an 8×10 and frame it!!

    Happy Mother’s Day, my virtual friend!

    Teresa =)

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