
Author: donna  |  Category: Family

Last week, it happened.

We got snow.  As you can see, we weren’t exactly buried in it.  But, it was enough that the kids could play and I could enjoy watching it fall and collect (a little) on the ground.

Jumping on a trampoline with snow on it.  Extra fun.

As you can see, the big girls had fun with the littles during our “snow storm”.  The boys had just returned the night before from an all-day snowboarding trip in the mountains.  They were snowed-out.

I can’t help it.  I’m still holding out hope for a deep-snow for us.  With only 40 or so days till spring, time is running out!

One Response to “Snow”

  1. Mom West Says:

    Looks like more snow fell on your deck than the ground!! Cute photos of Dylan and Lainey! Um, I heard on WRAL….Raleigh that next Tuesday into Wednesday, I think it is, we have a chance of a “wintery mix” which includes SNOW! Hoping this is also for your area!! Your dad and I agree…this has been a very COLD winter, so why waste it without at least ONE good snow storm?!! I’m sure our New Jersey family are totally sick of snow…they’ve been bombarded with it since December!!! Philadelphia area has been in the news recently for having 14+ inches of snow!! I’ve noticed one thing that bothers me since I’ve gotten a bit older…I cannot stand the glare of the sun on snow…not even looking outside our window!! I still have my mini flag at the mail box that says “Let it Snow”!!! That’s the best I can do for you….Ha!!!

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