Days without Facebook

Author: donna  |  Category: Home

I’m in the middle of a 21 day break from Facebook.  It’s funny…I miss it, but at the same time don’t.  I’ve replaced it with more devotional, bible,  and intentional reading.  Right now, I’m reading The Reason for God.  It’s not  an easy read for me.  I get confused more times than I care to admit, but it’s been good to dig deep.

I do realize how often I must have posted on FB.  Something happens and I automatically think “hey, I should put that on FB…oh, wait”.

Like when we realized this week that Dylan has his first loose tooth.

When I felt like whining about the week-long winter cold I had last week.

Last night, when we had who-knows-how-many teens over for a double-feature movie night.

And, when the boys and their friend Trevor slept out in the field in a tent…and swore they heard coyotes circling their tent.

I think, even when I’m back on FB, I’ll make some changes.  Like only cruise the site during non-school hours.  I like that idea.  FB can easily be put ahead of more inportant things, and I want to guard against that.

My thoughts on a lazy Saturday morning.  Happy weekend, ya’ll.


3 Responses to “Days without Facebook”

  1. emily Says:

    YES!! i am so struggling with my time on FB– trying to be more purposeful– not posting random things– or perusing feeds and limiting my time– a great read— hands free mom— really convicting me of my screen time.

    good for you!!!!

    ps– found 2 great fabrics for Laney- (sorry if i spelled wrong) jo-anns did not have the batman fabric– so i have to order that one:)

  2. Randy Says:

    I love it. And greatly admire how you you are approaching this.

  3. Vicky Simpson Says:

    I totally understand what you mean. I had gotten in the habit of opening FB before my quiet time with God. Never a good thing!

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