2 Months

Author: Donna  |  Category: Gotcha anniversary

Two months ago today, we received an amazing gift! In a way, it feels like so much longer than two months…almost like she’s always been here. She’s changed a lot since that day in Hefei!

The other morning, Ethan asked if Lainey was up yet. I told him I was going to get her in a minute. He asked again about a second later and I asked him why he was so anxious. Without blinking, he said “cause she spreads joy”. The big kids rush to see her in the morning, love playing with her during the day, and insist on giving her kisses before nap and bedtime!

A few notes on how she’s doing these days…

* her sleep is consistent, naps and bedtime. She doesn’t fuss at all, just smiles and waves at us from her crib. It wasn’t always like that, so we’re thankful.

* she still eats great, and likes pretty much anything we put on the plate. She loves fruit (mandarin oranges), veggies (carrots, sweet potatoes), pasta, rice, yogurt, etc. We give her daily antibiotic to her in a few spoonfuls of yogurt each night. She gets so excited when she sees it’s medicine time!

* She’s doing well with her signing…more, all done, food/eat, water, milk, shoes, want, ball, night-night, daddy (which she seems to use for both of us), and please

* “umma” and “ma-ma-ma” are still her main vocalizations. She does have a first word that she started using about a week ago. She points to her eye and says “eye”. She can now say “oooh” and “ohh”, but not too often. She will purse her lips together for kisses.

* She can point to her eyes and nose and sometimes mouth. She understands lots of words, too many to list. She’s still not consistent understanding mama and dada, but we work on it a lot.

* She’s been off the bottle totally for more than 2 weeks and is doing perfectly with a sippy cup (no spill-proof valve, though, she can’t suck due to her cleft…so drinking can get messy).

* She’d still prefer him to stay away from her face (we call him the “lick-headed mutt”), but she actively approaches Jack all the time now. His new favorite place is directly under her clip-on chair at the kitchen table…wonder why?

* Remember at first she hated soft things…no blankets, pillows, and she really hated stuffed animals. Loves them all now. Especially her toddler sized pillow (hand-me-down from big sis Marley) and pink flowery blanket.

* Just today, she has started reaching out to us to give us hugs and kisses. Tonight, she was lying on the couch and I had my head right at her head. She grabbed the back of my neck, pulled me close to her face, and gave me a kiss. Does it get better than that?

Happy 2 Months, Lainey.

6 Responses to “2 Months”

  1. amyschristopher Says:

    That top pic is my favorite, although all are just awesome!

  2. fourgrands Says:

    I agree, Donna, it really doesn’t get any better than that!!!! I got emotional when I read what Ethan said..she spreads joy!! How can a granma NOT cry over that?!! It makes me so proud of him and so happy for Lainey…her siblings love her sooo much and THAT makes me want to smile!! No, it doesn’t get any better than this…God has certainly blessed all of us with such a darling smart(!!) little toddler! She has no idea how many people totally adore her and are so glad that she’s living with her new family where she couldn’t be more loved!! (The picture of Randy and Lainey prove that, among lots of other great pictures!!) Happy Weekend…and, yes, Happy 2 Months, sweet Lainey Bug!! Love to all, Mom (Granma)

  3. breadofangels Says:

    Happy two months at home Lainey sunshine! Donna, i am so happy for you all and love the comment your son made… how sweet.
    Can you believe it has been two months?!

  4. EliseLiptack Says:

    Happy two months to you all! She looks like she fits right in!!!

  5. Askews Says:

    Your posts about your home and your kids just gives me warm fuzzy feelings ~ God is good to have brought such a wonderful gift to your life of your children and from the very little I know of you, you seem like such an awesome mom! I am sure that Randy is a great dad too… You have to be so proud of all your children! To God be the glory for all the wonderful things He is doing in your life. The part about Lainey pulling you close is PRICELESS.


  6. GramStegall Says:

    One of the greatest gifts of the Spirit of God is that of “Joy.” Jesus said, “My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” Lainey is that “Joy” that came into all of our lives to complete His plan. It is amazing how the words from a child (such as Ethan) can express so simply what God’s Word means. You all had prepared Abbey, Marley, Ethan and Payton through prayer, teaching and love to accept Lainey into their hearts. For that I am thankful.

    I compared the first pictures of Lainey with the top picture in this post. In those first pictures Lainey was “pouting” but in this picture at the top… Lainey is clowning around. Does it get any better?? With every day.. it will.

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