Another year at home

Author: donna  |  Category: Homeschool

Our 13th year as a homeschool family began today.

Based on that number, one would think I’d have this down pat by now.  When I was a new homeschool mom, I remember thinking that one day this would be “old hat”.


I was wrong.  I didn’t take into account that kids get older, which means math problems get harder.  As the number of students increases, so does the planning/grading/teaching time of mom.  And, every year, there seems to be even more curriculum out there to choose from…which can make the decisions harder to make.

But, it’s still our life, and it feels right.  We do take time to re-evaluate each year and will always be open to making changes according to what our kids need in regards to education, and what we feel led to do by God.

So, with the exception of an outside biology class for the trips, and the littles Classical Conversations day on Wednesday mornings, we’re home this year.

Lunch break…


Did I mention we have a senior in the house this year?

Not to mention a few 10th graders, a 2nd grader, and a 1st grader.

Smile kids, it’s the first day of school.

How moms want our kids to feel about the first day.

How they really feel…

The principal makes a special appearance on this first day :)

Here’s to a fantastic school year…



One Response to “Another year at home”

  1. Mom West Says:

    First of all, I refuse to believe that our little Abbey is a Senior…but I guess I’ll have to get used to the idea.

    Has summer just about come to an end?? It seems like it just started!! Maybe it’s because it hasn’t been as hot as other summers…not that I’m complaining!!!

    You guys look quite “bright eyed and bushy tailed” so to speak…on your first school day!! Love the shot of “How they really feel”!!

    Good luck to our :12th grader, 10th graders, 2nd grader and our 1st grader!!!! Hit the books and make Granpa and me proud!! :) Love you guys!!

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