One Month!

Author: Donna  |  Category: Gotcha anniversary



9 Responses to “One Month!”

  1. GramStegall Says:

    The difference in the two pictures is a miracle and amazing !!! The first picture shows a very scared and distrustful little girl. The prayers haven’t stopped and my love for Lainey just gets better with every new picture or tidbit about what she is doing. She now looks so happy. She now looks “FOUND” and complete, trusting and loved. What a glorious month this has been for everyone. You, Randy and the kids and all of us that have followed your journey and will keep following it.

  2. Supermavs Says:

    What a difference a month makes! What a joyful looking girl.
    waiting for TA

  3. trclark294 Says:

    Awesome! She looks sooo happy!

  4. nanaclark Says:

    Sure wish my hair would grow that fast. She looks like a really happy baby.

  5. Janet T. Says:

    That second picture is so sweet! She shows such joy, such sparkle! Look what love has done to her!!! God is good!

  6. fourgrands Says:

    These 2 pictures say it all!!! What a difference a month makes…especially when it involves a loving family intervening in a “lost” little girl’s life! It does my heart good to see that smiling face on Lainey…she’s really showing her true personality now! (She probably didn’t even know she had one a month ago!) Yes, she is indeed in the RIGHT family to have a good sense of humor…laughter is so good for her now and she seems to really enjoy every minute of it!! Love to all, Mom & Dad

  7. Laurie Says:

    She is beautiful…amazing what a difference a month makes!


  8. EliseLiptack Says:

    Can’t believe it has been a whole month! She looks so amazingly perfect with your beautiful family!!!

  9. Wendy Says:

    What a sparkling smile! God sure does know what He is about. :)

    praying for the up-coing surgery and a quick healing for her.


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