Life on the Iphone…

Author: donna  |  Category: Family

I’ve not done a post in a little while.

Life, ya know?

I was looking through my phone’s pics and realized they painted a pretty accurate picture of our recent days…

The other night, we had one extra teen hanging out with us (nothing new there…), and I was trying to think of something to make for dinner that would fill everyone up.  I found a hashbrown breakfast casserole on one of my Pinter*st boards.

I had no hashbrowns.  But, I DID have tater tots.  It worked well, and I added homemade waffles and turkey bacon to round out the veggie-less dinner.  And, full we definitely were!

Dylan’s 3rd prosthesis is in the works, he’ll have his first fitting in April.  We had the task of finding a new pattern for the new socket.  He’s had camo/lizards and cars for his last two.  We found this at the fabric store and it was an immediate “Yes!!”

I’ve become somewhat addicted to homemade popcorn.  Not the icky, greasy, orange stuff that you make in the microwave (that my kids devour), but the old-school popcorn on the stove.  2 tablespoons Canola oil, sprinkle popcorn to almost cover the bottom, heat on medium high.  As soon as the first kernel pops, put on the lid and shake around till the popping stops.  Add a little popcorn salt, and you’ve got a pot full of popcorn that (if I’m around) doesn’t last long.  You should try it.  Really.

Ethan kinda amazes me.  If anyone has ever had a natural affinity for music, it’s him.  He’s never had a direct drum lesson….only been in the same room while Payton had a few lessons (and quickly realized he was more suited to drawing).  Everything else, he’s taught himself.  And, if I may say so, he’s good.  Good enough to have made the worship band for the Jr. High kids at our church.  We can’t help but stand in the back and enjoy…

We love Jimmy Jo*hn’s.  And, their signs are great.  If I could, I’d hang this one in my house, it’s so good.  I especially liked the one that said “I believe you’re responsible for your actions, regardless of how you feel”.  Can I get an amen?

Science experiment we’re doing with our co-op.  The epsom salt saturated water is SUPPOSED to be soaking up the string, going across, dripping down onto the board, and showing us stalagtites and stalagmites.  But, it’s not working…the string isn’t absorbing the solution!  I’ve gotta troubleshoot and find out what we’re doing wrong…

On a whim, I bought a tub of perler beads and forms.  The big kids, especially Abbey, LOVED making these things.  For the first few days, the kids (L, D, A, and M) went nuts, making several a day.  Here’s a 4 leaf clover Abbey made.  I wondered if it would be too hard for Lainey and Dylan, but they even made some of their own creations.  I should have more pictures of these…

Teenagers get a hold of your phone

and, take random pictures

of the thing I do the most.

Drive them places.  Like Drivers Ed.  Which Marley, Payton, and Ethan are currently in.  Everyday, M-F, from 3-5:30.  For 2 1/2 weeks. Their last day is next Wednesday, and then they’ll be called to start the driving portion.

On the way home from picking them up, it’s become routine for me to stop after I pull into the drive, switch seats, and let them practice driving up the drive, around the shop, and back up.  The’y’re doing well, and EJ even pulled the van into the garage.  I’ll be passing them on to their Dad when it’s time for them to drive ON the road.  That part makes me nervous.

I think I’ll snap their picture driving next time.










2 Responses to “Life on the Iphone…”

  1. Mom West Says:

    Hmmmm…little bit of this; and a little bit of that!! Breakfast casserole looks good…it must have been a big hit!

    The spiderman material looks like it was made especially for DYLAN!!

    I probably ate homemade popcorn when growing up in NJ…for one thing, there weren’t microwaves back then. And then they invented the popcorn that you put on the stove and the aluminum swells up!

    So proud of Ethan for being the drummer for the Jr. High kids! He’s amazing with the keyboard and guitar, too!!

    We actually ate a Jimmy John’s today….I also get a kick out of their signs!!! Their subs are delicious!!

    Abbey’s shamrock is pretty! Looks like you can get pretty caught up in doing that craft.

    Oh my, our trips were small toddlers not tooo long ago…this is major stuff, them attending drivers class. Where in the world has the time gone?! We wish them luck. How we remember those days…especially with your little red Toyota…it was not automatic transmission! But you will always remember to drive a straight gear of any car…some people go thru life not knowing how to drive one of them!!

    Maybe one day, you won’t have to drive them all over the place…they will do it for you. You probably won’t know how to act!! HA!!!

  2. Melissa S Says:

    Great post! Love the new prosthesis fabric!! If you ever want to change up the popcorn, toss in 1/4 cup sugar for kettle corn! We love to make popcorn on the stove too!!

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