We Christmased…

Author: donna  |  Category: Holidays

Is that a word?  Probably not, but I’m still on vacation so I can make up words if I want to.

We had a great Christmas day around here!  And, I do mean “around here”.  We were fortunate to have the whole day to ourselves, with no where to go.

The day began kinda late, as far as Christmas morning goes.  The littles were up and playing together upstairs…no one is allowed downstairs until we give the “ok” sign.  But, the teens were still snoozing away at 10am.  Really?!  So, I made the traditional cinnamon rolls (no, not homemade…they refuse to allow me to break tradition and insist on the canned version), and Randy woke them up.

I’ll avoid going through every-single-present and just hit the highlights of our morning…

Stockings first, as always.  Marley is opening her charm bracelet from her dad.  Randy started a tradition years ago of getting each of his girls a piece of jewelry and last year it was charm bracelets and 1 charm for each daughter and a necklace for me.  Unfortunately, Marley mis-placed hers.  Randy clenched his teeth and replaced it, the charm, and even added another charm.  I got my bracelet and a charm this year, too.  Love it!

No stocking for Jack, he got a new bed.  He likes it a lot.

How about I share favorite gifts?  Abbey…

She loves the show Duck Dynasty.  If you’ve not checked it out, you’ve got to.  It’s a hoot.  I knew she’d love this shirt.

And, her very favorite was her new bow.  She’s been wanting one for a while, and was thrilled.  She spent all of Christmas day shooting, and by the days end was in love.


It’s hard to say with Marley because she didn’t really ask for anything big this year, and she seemed to love everything!  She noticed these shoes at the mall a while back and I quickly snapped a pic without her knowing.  So, she loves them!

This one could be her very favorite.  She wanted a purity ring this year, but wanted it to be something different that SHE picked out.  It’s a single pearl with a couple of diamond-like stones on the side set in sterling silver.  Beautiful.


He was easy this year.  And, that’s saying a lot.  In the past, he’s been our most mysterious kid…never wanting anything specific.  Not this year.  The tailgater speaker system was high on the list.  As was the robe he’s wearing.  He found it while we were out shopping and fell in love with the thing.  Now, all he needs is a pipe.  Just kidding.


This one’s easy.  Although, he might say his bag of Skittles and Simpson’s movie from Abbey ranks pretty high, he was pretty surprised with this new 17 caliber air rifle.  Much larger than his last one, which he used so much it broke.  It’s heavy and loud…sounds like a .22 going off.  He’s very happy.


Again, easy peasy.  She asked for a kid’s tablet with Wi-fi.  She got half of her wish.  (does a 6 year old NEED wi-fi?)  This is her reaction when she opened it.

She immediately jumped into my arms, yelling THANK YOU, MOM!!!!

One of my favorite moments of the whole morning…


Well, I can’t figure this kid out.  I wasn’t sure what his fav was, so I asked.  Turns out it was the clearance slip-on shoes I found at Old N*vy…bought them as an afterthought, not planned at all.  They are cute, white with black little skulls and crossbones.  Ethan wanted to borrow them.  Heh.


Biggest surprise for him was that I went to the ABC store and picked up his favorite whiskey.  I’m so cool.  I also gave him an NC State coach’s polo which he loved.  And, a Steeler’s sock monkey.  That last one goes without saying.


Love my new Justin boots…I’m fitting right in around here, now.

Biggest surprise?  An Ip*d mini.  I had hinted about a new e-reader…didn’t expect him to spring for this!

And, because I love them so much, I’m sharing all the sibling hug pics.  The kids drew names just like last year, and had so much fun picking out just the right thing.  They were all so excited for their sibling to open their gifts!  I love that…

Payton to Dylan:  Hulk hands

Marley to Lainey:  Slushy Magic cup

Abbey to Ethan:  Skittles and the Simpson’s movie

Ethan to Marley:  red and black plaid jacket

Dylan to Abbey:  bracelet and earrings set

Lainey to Payton:  Itunes card and his fav candy

After all the opening was over, Randy suggested they walk down to the downstairs garage.

Dirt bikes, for sharing.  And, for the littles to grow into (they got hula hoops and a pogo stick, too).

And, this is how the family room looked like AFTER…

Like I said, it was a wonderful day.  We ate left-over Christmas eve goodies and the kids spent the day outside, playing with their new “toys”.  Ended the day with a Christmas movie.  Perfection.

Next post, I’ll share some random Christmas pics that I never had time to share before!




2 Responses to “We Christmased…”

  1. Gram Says:

    Loved the synopsis of your Christmas Day. Even better are all the great pictures of all of you. These are the times that will be in your memory banks (hearts) forever.

    waiting on the next installment of Christmas…

    love to all… and Happy New Year !

  2. Mom West Says:

    I got so “into” the inside gifts you all got…and totally forgot about the “outside” big gifts until you mentioned that Randy told them to go down to the garage!! Loved how that worked out, cuz they all probably thought that ALL of the gifts had been opened and the hugs were given!!

    You told me how Lainey “attacked” you after she opened her gift….so funny!!! Jack looks so cute in his new bed…and I’m so glad he likes it so much!!

    Looks like everyone had a wonderful Christmas and got many surprises….that is the fun of opening the gifts, especially when you get something you had no idea you’d get!!

    Well, it’s exactly 5:45 PM on New Years Eve…2013 will be here in a little more than 6 hours, so HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all….Love you!!!

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