We chopped the house…

Author: donna  |  Category: Family, Trips / Vacations

Another blog about the comings and goings of our crazy household…I really enjoy writing posts, and looking back at the history of “us”.

I don’t necessarily do them for the enjoyment of anyone else. Cause, truth be told, I have no idea if anyone other than a few very consistent people (thanks!) who comment actually read any of this. I kinda wish there was an app that alerted me when someone clicked over and read the blog….kinda sounds like something the government would do, though. Watching our every move…another subject, eh?

Course, I’m guilty of reading other peoples blogs and never commenting…I guess I should get better about that. It’s nice when you realize that others really ARE stopping by :)

Enough whining…

A little over a week ago, Randy made the last-minute decision to get us tickets for an Atlanta Braves baseball game. It’s been years since our last game. I think maybe 6, so Abbey would have been 10?

So, we hit the road that Friday afternoon…leaving too late, it turned out, and then having to back-track to get the forgotten camera. Ugh. Which made us miss the whole 1st and 2nd innings. Oh well, we were in our seats for the rest!

Our biggest “wants” for that night? To see Chipper play. To see Kimbrel pitch. And, of course, for them to win.

Chipper….first check. He retires this year, and Randy said should easily be a first-year Hall of Fame player. Some players wait years for that honor.

Notice Marley is missing? She had a previously planned trip to PA with her friend Kylie and her family. This was really the only weekend we could make a game, and she understood. We really missed having her there.

The wave, of course.

What I get these days when I ask the boys to pose for pics…goofballs.

Dinner…Dylan has portion control issues.

Hot dog and this ballgame treat…oh yeah.

Chipper again. He’s such a rock star.

Speaking of rock stars. The crowd went CA-RAZY when Kimbrel (second check) started running across the field. All the screens turned into fire! His stats are extremely good and this is only his second season in baseball. If you care nothing for baseball, I’m boring you to tears. Sorry…

I’ll skip to the end. They won (3rd check) and did a bit of celebrating.

They always have Friday night fireworks, so we moved farther up (a lot of seats opened up) and the kids started trying to get noticed for the jumbo screen.

It worked!

The fireworks were awesome…

If I could crop out the annoyed guy on the right, I would…but we look happy!

Showing off the signature Braves “Tomahawk Chop”

Me and my sweetie.

Forgive me while I post a bunch of pictures of my kids in random poses.


Payton’s been captured!

Not sure they had leap frog in mind when they made this statue…

We had such a great time at the game, and it was over WAY too soon. Rather than drive home that night (which would have gotten us home about 3am), we crashed at a nearby hotel and drove back the next day.

Hoping to watch the Braves in the post-season this year!

10 Responses to “We chopped the house…”

  1. Rebecca Says:

    You were in our neck of the woods. Looks like a fun night!

    Still reading…sorry for the rare comments!

  2. Sherri Says:

    I read your blog at just about every update, but don’t always comment. Us too in the same boat about people visiting our blog. It’s funny when your in China and people follow the entire trip then fall off the face of the earth once your back. I had lots of people stopping by our blog and yet no comment. I think I have 4 faithful people who do leave those.

    Well, I finally made our blog private – as I felt no one really cared and only invited those 4 who I know read and comment.

    I don’t always comment on yours – maybe every 4 to 5 post I do. But your stuck with me stopping by. Love the pics as always!

  3. Adele Haddock Says:

    Hello! Reading about your very busy and very full nest is wonderful since our nest is now empty and grandkids are far away. Thanks for the peak into your “goings on”!

  4. Kristin Says:

    If you were on blogger they have a feature that tells you how many ‘views’ you’ve had per post. It really encouraged me…especially since the post I did last night has no comments but has 13 views! Also, I think Allen and the rest of the 11th grade class at NRCA were at that same game! Their field trip was to Atlanta and they went to the Braves/Nationals games Fri. the 14th! Looks like fun!

  5. Mom West Says:

    Fabulous blog….Braves…YEAH!!!! I love to reply on your blogs!!

    Oh no, forgotten camera!! So glad you went back for the camera, or we wouldn’t have had these great photos of your baseball night!!!

    Chipper….he was a “child” when your dad and I went to their games!!! Wow, time flies!!!

    I missed Marley in the photos….we were in NJ when she & Kylie were in PA. Hope they had fun!

    The wave…lots of fun to participate in that. And I love the boys “attitude” pictures….so crazy!!

    Dylan…portion control issues…how funny!!!!

    Cracker Jack….wow!!! Did ya get a prize??!

    It looks like it was a pretty crowded stadium! Kimbrell….don’t know him b’cuz we don’t get a chance to watch Braves baseball much, altho we are STILL fans!!

    They won!! OK, who did they play?? The kids got on the jumbo screen….just how COOL is that?!!!

    Good family photo, even with the annoyed guy…HA! Also good photo of you & Randy! So glad you guys had a chance to go and it certainly looks like you had a great time!! GO BRAVES!!!

  6. Aunt Mary Says:

    I can’t stand baseball but I LOVE your blogs and all of the pictures so don’t stop posting.

  7. KFriend Says:

    Love reading your blog…I get it by RSS Feeds which puts a copy into my Outlook so I can read it without going to your site. So fun keeping up with the Clarks. :)

  8. Gram Says:

    I guess I would be one of the “faithful” that looks every day for your blog. I also will leave comments. I know that Mary looks at it all the time, too. There are a couple of women at church and a few of my friends that love to read your blog. In fact I gave your site address to another friend this past Saturday.

    So keep blogging with plenty of pictures. One day you will have all this for a memory book which you will love. I wish I could have done this with Randy and Tony.

    Love to all and praying Jack is doing better, too.

  9. Amy Gadapee Says:

    I LOVE the picture of you and Randy! The kids are cute too of course, but you guys are a great pair!

    Seth and I used to listen to the Braves on the radio in the early years. Love them! So glad they won while you were there and Chipper had a good night.

  10. Angela Says:

    I read your blog, and have for ages, though we’ve never met. My husband and I have long considered adopting from China and now we finally are! Almost done with homestudy and we have a child identified and we’re simply waiting on the homestudy to match. Like your littles, our guy will have medical challenges but we’re looking forward to handling those with the same dignity and grace your family has exhibited over all these years. Thank you!

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