Travel Approval!

Author: Donna  |  Category: Adoption

I know, I already posted this picture on another post, but do you really ever get tired of seeing her little face??

We received the call today, China has sent our Travel Approval! Our travel dates are 2-13 through 2-28. However, there is STILL something we need before our agency can begin making travel arrangements for us. We’re still waiting on our I-171H form from the US immigration. It should be here (I think I recently said this?) any day now. Our agency is making a call tomorrow to double check on it. The gal in travel told me today that even if the form doesn’t show until next week, our travel dates should still be fine. Chinese New Year in China is 2/7 and the whole place shuts down during that week. This actually worked out well for us…it’s allowing us to be home for Ab’s 12th b-day (2/9) and giving us more time to wait for that pesky form.

We are so thankful to God for working all these things out for us, and so anxious to meet our little girl!

12 Responses to “Travel Approval!”

  1. Janet T. Says:

    As you know, sweet friend, I am SO happy for you! I can not wait until you have your darling Lainey in your arms. ANd no, I don’t think I could ever get tired of seeing her darling face. :-)

  2. GramStegall Says:

    I want to hold her too !!! I have to figure a way to get down there before Easter so she will know her “Gram”. 21 days and counting down. (and I could never get tired of seeing her)

  3. radicchi Says:

    Yea! So happy to read this. Come on 171!!!

  4. nanaclark17 Says:

    Great, I know you are getting excited to get closer to picking her up. Praise God that she will be home soon. Love Nana & PawPaw

  5. cindee Says:

    Prais the Lord and may that form come quickly! This is so exciting. Thanks for sharing your journey with the internet. :-)

  6. amyschristopher Says:

    How wonderful and what a sweet face!

  7. carrie Says:

    So happy for you Donna and family! Woooo-Hooooo!

  8. littholly Says:

    Congratulations on your TA! I am so excited for you guys and can’t wait to read about your trip to China and to Lainey! It will be here before you know it!
    Take Care,
    Holly Little

  9. Askews Says:

    Congratulations!!! I am soooo excited that I get to follow your journey to Lainey! She really is a cutie pie and will be even more once she is with you!

  10. Angie Says:

    YIPPEEE!!! What great news! I am so happy for you, Donna! Next stop….China!

  11. SpecialK Says:

    Here’s hoping that your 171h shows up very soon. Hopefully Chinese New Year will work in our favor and We can still travel with our big WCP group!

  12. Linda Lee Says:

    Praise the Lord!!!
    Yippee for travel to China and to meet Lainey face to face at last!

    I’m so happy to hear this news, and that wonderful little face is always welcome.
    Love you all,
    Linda Lee

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