Backing up…

Author: donna  |  Category: Ethan, Marley, Payton

I know, I know…I’m almost 3 weeks behind in getting Marley, Payton, and Ethan’s birthday blog up. But, despite my continued camera / memory card / photo issues, I’m gonna get it up here. We’ve got plans to possibly trade in our cameras for a newer, better, and easier to use camera soon. And, we need new memory cards badly…as evidenced by the complete LOSS of photos that I took today while on the boat. Trying to let that one go…

I know, I know…I’m almost 3 weeks behind in getting Marley, Payton, and Ethan’s birthday blog up. But, despite my continued camera / memory card / photo issues, I’m gonna get it up here. We’ve got plans to possibly trade in our cameras for a newer, better, and easier to use camera soon. And, we need new memory cards badly…as evidenced by the complete LOSS of photos that I took today while on the boat. Trying to let that one go…

Taken today, with my Iphone. The triplet pics I took ON their birthday were “eaten” by my memory card.

They’ve aged SO much in this last year. They’re all (yes, all…) taller than I am now. Payton is quite a bit taller than the other two.

Are they even the same kids?!? Especially Payton!! Time is flying…

But, they’re still goofy. Always will be, I hope.

For their party, they chose roller skating and then a movie/sleepover at the house afterwards.

Marley, far left. Payton on right. These were taken with…yes, my Iphone. I’ll stop complaining eventually.

Can’t remember how many friends that attended, but we needed our big van, our friend’s mini van, and Randy’s landcruiser to get them all back to the house :)

Marley will just love this shot…

I think that girl in the back is wanted by the authorities. Heh.

Ethan looks miserable, surrounded by three girls huh?

Lainey and Dylan’s first time skating…they were out there nearly the whole time and did great!

Quite a crew

After making the trek back to our house, the kids all crashed in the living room to watch present-opening.

His favorite junk food…someone knows him well.

Yes, we had three cakes. Marley chose marble cake with butter cream frosting…Ethan wanted a cookies and cream ice cream cake…Payton wanted my apple dumplings!

Yes, we sang the song THREE times.

Randy, as usual, took the night shift with the kids and they all spread out to watch a movie until late! Sleepover (not much sleep was had!) and then the party was over as parents poured in the next morning.

Happy 14th birthday, Marley, Payton, and Ethan!

2 Responses to “Backing up…”

  1. Jean Says:

    Happy Birthday to your triplets!!

    Yes- they grow up much to fast!

    BUT they are so much fun older, too!!


  2. Gram Says:

    The triplets and all their guests looked like they had a fantastic time ! I loved the pictures of them skating, opening presents and having their cakes ! From the looks of things… Jack, Lainey and Dylan also enjoyed themselves in the middle of all the mass confusion.

    Some great memories for all were made…

    Love to my special triplets…. Marley, Payton and Ethan.

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