Prom 2012

Author: donna  |  Category: Abbey

Last Saturday was Abbey’s Sophomore prom


This is Abbey’s second year going, and she went by herself again. She was meeting up with several friends, so it was all good.


We snagged her dress from a consignment boutique here in town, and got it for a steal. Course, we then had to get it a little altered, but it was still less than the prices we were finding in stores. Yikes.


Honestly, this dress was just made for her. She’s stunning…


Went jewelry shopping on Saturday and found just the right pieces.


Some people just HAD to pose with her.


Including her goofy daddy. It’s a shame she doesn’t resemble him at all.


Abbey’s friend Kathryn came over to help her get ready. She tagged along with us to drop her off, (we were taking her home) and Abbey convinced her to join her in a shot.


Posing with one of her friends, Daniel. Her other friends were fashionably late and we weren’t able to get a group shot. She said she had a wonderful time, and couldn’t decide which she liked better…this year or last. She’s never been good at making decisions.

Can’t believe we’ll most likely have FOUR going to prom next year.

4 Responses to “Prom 2012”

  1. Gram Says:

    I just can’t believe how absolutely stunning Abbey is and how she has just “grown up” so quickly. The dress is “drop dead gorgeous” on her and the color is perfect. I love her flowing hair and just a little makeup. With Abbey, she doesn’t need makeup. Is that a “double finger” ring she is wearing? I honestly don’t think she has EVER taken a bad picture.

    I am so proud of her confidence in going to a prom alone and knowing that she will have a good time…. and she did because she said she danced every fast and slow dance. Last year had to be scarey as she didn’t know people and still went on her own. That confidence may be something else that she takes after her Daddy on……

    I look at Abbey and see Randy and when I look at Randy, I see my Daddy. My Dad loved life and could make people so at ease and feel wanted. Randy and Abbey are just like that, too. Did Randy get all “teary” when he saw his Abbey Girl as a young woman??? (I did but don’t tell anybody)

  2. Aunt Mary Says:

    I just don’t know how she got so grown up so fast but Abbey looks beautiful in her prom dress.

  3. Mom West Says:

    Well, I’ll make it unanimous…Abbey in that prom dress is breath-taking. She looks so beautiful and gracious. We saw a picture of the dress hanging on a door a few days ago, but it certaily looks better on her!!

    We’re so glad that she had a good time…this is what makes lifetime memories that she can tell her own kids about one day.

    Abbey, we are so proud of you as you grow up and become a beautiful young lady…but way way too fast!!! Love you!!

  4. Denise Says:

    Abbey looks absolutely stunning!!! I am glad she had a wonderful time.

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