Easter 2012

Author: donna  |  Category: Holidays

It’s that time of year again. The time to remember the sacrifice our Savior made for us, and to rejoice in the knowledge that He is, indeed, risen!

Not nearly as important as that, but not to be left out…it’s the time to gather at Gram and Pa-Paul’s house for the egg hunt extravaganza :)

21 total people, lots of eggs, even more silliness, great food. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday!

Ready, Set, Go!

This year, all our big kids were “hiders”, so we only had the two “finders”.

And, they worked it!

The big kids were helpers…big bro Ethan shakes down the egg from the tall branch. See it falling?

Gram’s egg hunts are involved…she has exactly the same number of eggs per kid, and puts a certain color/symbol on each egg. As the kids hunt, they dump their finds into big baskets. Then, we all gather inside to divide up the eggs. Here, Dylan is emptying his basket so he can head back out!

A lot of what goes on at Gram’s involves laughing. Being goofy. Randy and Tony have this part down pat.

And, one of the best parts is hanging out with our family.

Gram always does a scavenger hunt for the big kids…a series of clues that leads them running around until they find their giant, treat-filled eggs. Here, Payton reads the first clue.

All the kids. We were missing Samara, she was still back at college. Caleb wasn’t supposed to be there, but he surprised everyone when he walked in the door.

As usual, it was a fantastic day. Caleb brought 3 friends with him, and our good friend Amanda enjoyed the day with us, too. Sadly, I got no pictures of us with her! Oh well, we were having too much fun to worry with posing.

Thanks, Gram, for a wonderful day! We know you put tons of work into it :)

3 Responses to “Easter 2012”

  1. Linda Lee Says:

    Such fun! And the two pictures of Tony & Randy laughing (at each other?) are fantastic — says so much about the loving relationship between the brothers. How wonderful that God has worked it out in your lives that they can have more time together. (And of course, the cousins get precious time together, too.) Treasure all the memories you are making for your children!

  2. Mom West Says:

    One of many things you can say about Ann is that she’s totally organized!! How clever how she does the eggs…and very fair, too.

    Good pictures of a fantastic day in the warm sun. Didn’t see any pictures of eating…I read the menu on Facebook and there was LOTS of food…I guess you were too “busy” to take pictures!! :)

    Yes, the 2 photos of Randy & Tony laughing made me laugh….I can just imagine what they were discussing. You can get Randy talking and laughing just mentioning something…like Seinfeld!

    Glad that fun was had by all…except poor Samara! Oh well, maybe she’ll make it next year!

    Love the picture of Abbey & Gabe! Also the one of Caleb (?) holding Lainey…it MUST be Caleb, cuz I know she really digs him!!!!

  3. Gram Says:

    It is a lot of time and work, but the end results are always worth it for me. I just love having all of you here !

    For anyone that doesn’t know… Tony and Randy are not only brothers but best friends. They have been this way since they were babies and it does my heart good that they are still best friends. When the two of them get together there is always laughter…. loud, full out and silly. Oh, and most of the time everybody else has no idea what they are even laughing about. I love my sons in case you didn’t already know that.

    Having Lainey be able to say “GRam” made my day. And having Dylan tell me I could get a new leg like his also made my day for me. As I watched each grandchild on Saturday, my heart would glow and new memories would be made.

    Thanks for posting the great pictures…….

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