
Author: donna  |  Category: Family

it’s easy to tell that something’s up around here…


Names on cups are a must


empty turns into…


full (no, this isn’t all…they’re spread out all over the house)


Aren’t you jealous of my pricey “silverware”?

Walk-thru today
Closing on Friday (same day we leave for Florida to pick up our storage room contents!)
Big move happens in 10 days :)

3 Responses to “Signs”

  1. Denise Says:

    I do not envy you at all in packing.Then on the other hand it must be an awesome feeling knowing you are going to your new home!! You sure will be busy for awhile and I know you will be so happy when everything is in its place again. Have fun decorating the new home. Congratulations!!!

  2. Mom West Says:

    Looks like somebody has been very busy…and yes, I am jealous of your “pricey” silverware!! Who has the cup marked “Babs”?? ….and I am only counting 7 cups instead of 8.

    In no time at all, you’ll be closing on the house, going to Florida to get the rest of your contents…and moving in….where there will be soooo much more room for everything and everyone!!! Plus you’ll be able to put a nail or two in the walls!!! It’s a dream come true…and we couldn’t be happier for you guys!!! Can’t wait to be there on moving day to help out and, of course take tons of pictures!!! CONGRATS!!!

  3. Gram Says:

    Packing is a pain, but it is a great way to “clean up and out”. Hope everything goes great with the closing and going to get all your stuff from Florida. Decorating a new house can be so much fun. Are you letting the kids design their own rooms???

    Are you going to need me to come help with your moving out/in? Let me know so I can make my plans to come help.

    It would be even greater with your moving, if you could sell the house in Florida NOW ! I know that would be the answer to prayers for you all.

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