
Author: donna  |  Category: Lainey

Our sweet Lainey made a decision tonight…

One that she’s been working on for a while now. She’s been asking lots of questions about Jesus and heaven lately. Tonight she asked if she would live in heaven one day. I explained that everyone who asks Jesus into their heart will live in heaven one day and when she was ready to talk about what that meant, her daddy and I would love to. A minute or so later she whispered to me “I think I’m ready right now”.

So, her daddy and I sat down with her and shared the wonderful gospel story with her…she knew some of it, and seemed to really understand the gift that Jesus gave to us – his life and our salvation.

So, heaven rejoices tonight because our little girl asked Jesus to be her savior! Oh, she was so happy, grinning from ear to ear with her adorable squinty-eyed smile! We ran downstairs for her to tell the big kids, and there were hugs all around.

Parenting isn’t always the easiest job in the world, but tonight…it was the very best job.
God Bless you, Lainey girl!

7 Responses to “1/26/2012”

  1. Jori Says:

    Oh, I am loving this post! I remember, too, when my little girl asked those big questions. What a memorable day!

    Blessings on you, Lainey, and your whole family!


  2. Gram Says:

    Well… at 12:07 a.m. Friday morning, this post made this grandmother cry. Parenting isn’t always easy, but when the payoffs are this wonderful, it’s definitely worth it all.

    Tell my Lainey girl that Gram loves her almost as much as God does.

  3. Gram Says:

    I wanted to add just one more thing… without the love of children and wanting to adopt this little Lainey girl… this would not have been possible. God had a perfect plan in store for Lainey (and Dylan) and He picked the perfect family for Lainey to belong to.

  4. Vicky Says:

    Now, Lainey is a real “princess” as a child of the KING of KINGS!
    What a blessing and happy moment! Rejoicing with you!

  5. Tara Anderson Says:

    So precious…

  6. Mom West Says:

    What a special night for Lainey and all of you and sharing it with family. If this story doesn’t make your heart melt, nothing will. I’ve always known that Lainey is smart…and she listens very intently to everything and everyone. She evidently has listened to every word she’s heard in Sunday School + what her parents have been teaching her and putting it all together to understand it all. For a five year old, this is amazing. Love you, Lainey!!!

  7. Julie Bollinger Says:

    Praise God! I am rejoicing with you and the angels! Thank You, Jesus, for Your work in this little girl’s heart!

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