And, it begins…

Author: donna  |  Category: Family, Holidays

Here, there, and everywhere…that’s where we’ll be this Christmas! Everyone keeps asking if we’re staying IN town for Christmas, or traveling? It’s a hard question to answer. We have 4 trips. Three are just day trips, and one is an over-nighter.

Our first was last night…we drove the 2+ hours east to visit Randy’s dad and step-mom. To the kids, they are Nana and Paw-Paw. We exchanged presents, and enjoyed some wonderful take-out chicken and BBQ from our favorite local place. Oh, and pie…

Then, we took a few pictures…bear with me.


Dylan not looking…


Nana not looking. Oh well, we tried.


Our turn. Not bad!




Girls laughing at the photographer


And, boys. Including the boy dogs. We brought Jack (black one) and they have Hogan. Hogan wanted SO badly to play with Jack, but Jack either cowered or growled at him. Poor manners, Jack.


Here we are, forcing them to sit beside each other.


And, here’s Jack sllllloowwly walking away as Hogan shows a little too much interest.


Randy and his “Pop”, as he calls him.


Since Jack was no fun, Randy decided to play with Hogan. That dog is about as strong as an ox.


Randy’s giving it his best growl…


The kids got into the fun, too.


Jack gets some girl love…


Ethan really cut loose.


Dylan then showed off his crazy skills in flexibility.


He can also do a full-out front split. All the way down. I’m thinking gymnastics might be in his future. Or Chinese acrobatics.


Is it just me, or is Marley looking OLD (as in mature) in this shot?


Lainey was doing cartwheel after cartwheel…it was hard to catch her in the actual act.


We were enjoying the show (Abbey was practicing her close-up shots with her camera…)

We stayed later than we should have, and finally pulled back into the driveway about midnight.

Next stop, Gram and Pa-Paul’s on Saturday. Did I mention that day is also someone’s birthday? Wonder who….

4 Responses to “And, it begins…”

  1. Mom West Says:

    Wow! Looks like you guys had a great family visit at Ron & Kathy’s!! I’m requesting a print of the shot of you guys…it turned out good!! I can’t believe you took Jack! The pictures of him & Hogan are just so funny!!

    Pulled back into the driveway about midnight…I imagine you were pretty tired! Good thing that Co-op isn’t until today!

    I can’t imagine WHO’S birthday is coming up…just remember, I was there with you on that day….YOU were our very special Christmas gift that year and continue to be after ALL these years!! An early “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” to our beautiful daughter….we love you!!!!

  2. Gram Says:

    I also love the picture of you all. It is really good ! Yes, Marley does look way grown up in that shot of her. If I got into the positions (that’s an imaginary “if”) that Dylan was in, it would take the rescue squad and fire department and chiropractor to get me straight again !

    Looking forward to having all of you here on Saturday. Tomorrow and Friday will be my “all out” cooking days as I am fixing all the favorites and then some ! Praying that everyone feels good on Saturday, too. I think someone told me there was a birthday Saturday, too…. hmmmmmm???

  3. Aunt Mary Says:

    Good Grief!!! How did Dylan do that? The pictures are all good but that must have been trick photography of Dylan because nobody can do that.

  4. Linda Lee Says:

    All this does look like fun!

    Do I note a few hints of an upcoming birthday (just 23 minutes away if I’m calculating correctly)? Could it be you think folks would forget? Nah … not possible!

    I’m with Ann & Mary about the Dylan flexibility pictures — if I ever was that flexible, it has to have been before I have memories. And I’m certain my body would not even come close to that now without extreme force, and torn tendons, muscles and other internal body parts. But he looks cute doing it.

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