Big Daddy’s

Author: donna  |  Category: Dylan, Gotcha anniversary

I promised more info on our Celebrate Dylan night, so here goes…

Our normal routine for Gotcha Day is to take the special child out to eat, so we headed out. We had no clue where we were going…we asked Dylan what he wanted to eat and he said “a potato”. Okay, then.

We were headed to a casual steak place, but ended up here.


A long-time Lake Norman restaurant (37 years, we found out), we’d not tried it yet. And, given how much Dylan LOVES “Cars” these days, it seemed like a perfect fit.


Dylan prayed for our meal…he takes “close your eyes” very seriously.


Appetizers. Dylan tries his first oyster with cocktail sauce. He gave it a thumbs up.

No pictures during dinner because we were all stuffing our faces…catfish, flounder, shrimp, chopped steak, potatoes, and lots of sweet tea. Oh my, it was good. Dylan cleaned his plate.

Did we save room for dessert? Nah, but bring it anyway.


Cutting his 8-layer cake.


Yes, he did shovel it in one bite.


Our other Gotcha Day tradition is giving the child a book…maybe an adoption related book, maybe just something that the child is “into” at the time. We sign the inside of each, with some words of love and the date.



His eyes lit up when he saw this, he absolutely adores anything “Cars” these days. He spent some good reading time on his belly today, “reading” his new book.


We had such a fun night, eating some great southern food and honoring our little guy. How blessed we are to be Dylan’s mommy and daddy!

4 Responses to “Big Daddy’s”

  1. Aunt Mary Says:

    What a wonderful tradition you are building for “gotcha” days. That restaurant sounds like a great place to eat. These are all favorite pictures – from Dylan praying, eating an oyster, eating his cake, opening his book and, of course, the picture of the 6 kids at the end. I couldn’t choose just one! Dylan is one lucky little boy to have such a loving family and you all are lucky to have such a loving little boy.

  2. Mom West Says:

    I think I smiled the entire time I read this and looked at all of the adorable photos. But when I got to the photo of all 6 of our grands, my eyes started tearing!

    Being from such a small family, like I am, I get emotional when I see our 6 grandchildren…ages almost 16 to 4 bond so closely and genuinely “adore” each other. It makes this “Granma” so proud and super happy!

    PS So glad you found such a great restaurant to be able to go back to and enjoy again and again!!

  3. Sherri Says:

    Love the praying from Dylan…what a beautiful little boy he is, sorry he’s stinkin adorable!

  4. Branda Says:

    I can not see any pictures. None. HELP!

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