making room

Author: donna  |  Category: Dylan, Lainey

It’s what I do. I’m constantly making changes, cleaning out closets, drawers, re-arranging something to try and make more room in this house. I’m a self-confessed PURGER…if I don’t love it, or it hasn’t been used in awhile, it’ll end up in the charity pile.

All that to say, I love breathing room. Clutter is my enemy (I think it’s Satan’s cousin?), and I’m in constant battle. With 8 people in a house, it’s hard fought!

Recently, we decided it was time to make a little extra space in Lainey and Dylan’s room. There aren’t enough bedrooms in our house, so they have to share. Hoping we can find a larger rental before they get TOO old for that. Dylan had been sleeping in what used to be a bottom bunk, so we brought the top bunk in from the storage room and set it all up. I love it! And, so do they…

Here are before shots:


Lainey’s side of the room. Can you say cluttered? That desk, the box that her radio sits on, etc. Blech.


And, Dylan’s side. Nothing much to it, his bed, bins underneath, and his Cars decals (oh, the boy loves Cars…)


And, here it is after we just got the bunks up so they could go to sleep. We were able to have rails on both the top and bottom (Dylan flails all over the place, so that was a must).


Next day, after we finished the whole thing. Love it. Ignore the unmade beds…it’s never been my strength to either do those or teach my kids. One of my many flaws.


Look at all that ROOM!? They can pull out those bins and have room to play.


Night night :)

3 Responses to “making room”

  1. Mom West Says:

    Ahhhh, I love it, too! Maybe you get some of this “organized” trait from me! I recently fit the glider rocker in (what used to be your bedroom) a corner. I felt like I accomplished something, and it looks so good! I also like to re-arrange things, but now I really need your dad to help me with the very heavy stuff!!

    So glad that Lainey & Dylan love the bunk beds!! Thank goodness for the rails!! I really like the lights strung at their windows…it’s clever and very pretty!! Now…what’s the next project? Heh heh!!!

  2. Tara Anderson Says:

    Wanna come help me when I set up the room Caden and Cora are going to share? :) The new room looks GREAT!!! And I love all that space to play!

  3. Julie Bollinger Says:

    Wonderful! Andrew and Hope will be sharing a room, too. You did a great job with the space!

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