Rain, Rain…

Author: Donna  |  Category: Family

It’s either “feast or famine” here in the Sunshine (ahem) state. We went weeks with hardly a drop of rain for a while. You could hear our grass gasping for water! Now, this is the 4th day in a row that we’ve had almost non-stop rain. It stops for a bit, then just starts back up again. We woke up this morning to a torrential downpour (see picture!) Can you see how full the pool is?? Hmmm…I wonder if grass can get too much rain?

8 Responses to “Rain, Rain…”

  1. Askews Says:

    We are having rain an clouds too :( I like your pool and the view you have! Even with the downpour, the pool looks quite inviting! :)

    Hope you’re staying in God’s peace and presence today.


  2. radicchi Says:

    We need some rainy days here.

    Love your pool!

  3. amyschristopher Says:

    Its really a neat picture!!! Can you share some of that rain!

  4. Janet T. Says:

    Better build yourself an ark, girl……

  5. fourgrands Says:

    I’ve never seen the pool so FULL! I hope it doesn’t overflow!! We had some rain last weekend, I think and a drop today! We need more than that!!! Get Randy busy at his work bench on that ark!!~ Love, Mom

  6. GramStegall Says:

    When I look outside, I see dead bushes, lariope and dried up dead leaves all over the ground. The only thing that hasn’t died this summer is the weeds !!! Even with the rain we had last week, we are still desparate for more rain. Maybe if I would wash my dusty dirty car it would rain??? Haven’t washed it all summer since we are in a drought situation (don’t want to put too much on our well). Keep that pool pretty as we would love to use it next month when we visit.

  7. Angie Says:

    WOW! Your pool is really full! Could you please send some of that rain up to the Peach State?? We need it so bad.
    Hopefully sunnier days are headed your way! ;)

  8. Donna Says:

    Update: It hasn’t stopped raining since this was posted, and they say on the news that it is not supposed to stop until Sunday. The 12-14 inches of rain we’ve had since Monday is the most ever in a 3 day period in Jax . . . even with the occasional hurricane or tropical storm.


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