Farewell Summer

Author: donna  |  Category: Family, Lainey

Some days, it seems like Fall is right around the corner. But, this weekend was warm so we headed out on the boat.

Time for Lainey to try the new ski trainer.


Two tries and she was getting discouraged. Plus, her teeth were chattering. The water is getting a little chilly.


As they say, third time’s the charm. She popped right up and rode around without falling once.


She’s so little back there!


Granma and Granpa were with us yesterday to watch all the kids do their water tricks. No pictures, but Ethan wakeboarded and the girls did double kneeboards. I assumed you’d seen enough pictures of those things (sorry, kids!)


So, Lainey is officially a pre-skier. Dylan is psyched to try it next year!

2 Responses to “Farewell Summer”

  1. Mom West Says:

    We were totally honored to be there with you guys for Lainey’s debut on her new ski trainer! As soon as she got up, I quickly started taking pictures, as I assumed she’d fall…but she DIDN’T!! She stayed up at least 5 or 7 minutes and it was a thrill for us all!!! Way to go, Lainey…we KNEW you could do it!!!

    Thanks for all the fun on your beautiful new boat…we loved it!!! I’ll order 2 CD’s with the “swimming” photos on them…one for you & one for us. I looked at my photos on our digital frame, after I deleted some that were just of water (HA!!) and they are good! These of Lainey that you took are great…but then, you took them with a much better camera! Have a good week!!!

  2. Gram Says:

    Love the ski trainer !! Lainey does look so small back there. The first time Randy tried to ski was when he was about Dylan’s age. When he fell he wouldn’t let go of the rope. After we got to him and got him up out of the water.. he said, “I skied on the bottom.” When they are little, it does kinda scare us Moms.

    Way to go Lainey !! Dylan will definitely want to learn now.

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